Title: Finding a Friend in Need
HerePrompt: Drunk
Rating: PG
Summary: Sam Winchester is drunk, but instead of being happy, he's rather melancholy and dwells on his dark life.
Warnings: Some spoilers for season two.
When things got out too much for him, and all there was left to do was think, Sam Winchester found a friend in need; a bottle of the strongest whiskey he could confide to. His brother was out investigating, or as Sam had suspected, out to get some, but the only women in this place were the housekeeper, her mother, and her young daughter. A thought, or a bad memory, was washed away with every swig of the bottle and his worries were gone in an instant. Unfortunately, he didn’t have anyone to drink with, and the TV never responded back to his replies, so Sam was left alone to sulk in a drunken stir. He thought the alcohol would’ve worked, and to some degree it did, but who was there to have fun with him and help him forget his fears? Forget reading, there was no point in trying to remember and place words together when your brain was under the influence of a drug. He couldn’t think straight, but no matter how he tried to ignore his problems, it only made things worse.
Slouching in a chair, the alcohol suddenly made him realize just how tired he was. It was awfully uncomfortable sleeping in a sitting position, and Sam kept waking up and having to adjust himself, but when he heard the door to their motel open and close followed by a pair of sturdy hands helping him up, Sam knew that his brother had come back after his night out. Everything still felt like a dream and slipping in an out of darkness, Sam begins to mutter words to Dean and make him swear he would do Dad’s bidding if it became a reality. Sam’s not happy about the decision either, but he’d rather be dead than destroying the lives of people he swore to protect against things he might one day become.
The destiny that The Yellow-Eyed Demon had in store for him appeared inevitable, and like it or not, his brother had to stop him before he could no longer stop himself. Being led to a bed, Sam had a dreamless night which he was thankful for, but not so much the pounding headache and nausea he received the following morning. His first instinct was to rush to the bathroom before someone would have to pick up the undigested remains of his dinner from off the floor. Making friends with the toilet, Sam moaned in pain as his stomach churned and threw out what felt like his insides. A bottle of Pepto Bismo would do him a lot of good, and he’d drink that liquid as though it were water on a hot, summer day. If only he had it.
Sam had to pay for his actions without help, and what a mistake he’d made. Dean might find it humorous, but that only made him loathe his brother’s high booze tolerance. Experienced drinker or not, Dean had to get a hangover sometimes didn’t he? Though most of the night had been a blur to him, Sam hadn’t forgotten what he made his brother promise, and under the influence of alcohol or not, he still wanted his promise to be done should he give into temptation.