Do you know what I dreamt about this morning, and what I now CANNOT STOP THINKING ABOUT AND IT'S ALL
luzdeestrellas's FAULT?
just when I think I've hit the bottom of my id, there's a lower place - I don't know if even I'm shameless enough to write it, but right now it's all I can think about.
I dreamt that girl!Sam had a baby. That she got pregnant and ran away and was going to terminate the pregnancy but didn't (why didn't she? no reason I can imagine, because it's just DUMB to take that kind of risk, but my unconscious apparently wants little green-eyed freckled babies with no visible mutations from inbreeding running around, so that's my only excuse), and Dean spends the next four years trying to find her.
Well, that's the backstory, I guess, because in my dream, she just had an adorable three year old boy with freckles and big green eyes, and Dean was watching her pick him up from daycare through the telephoto lens of his camera, shocked speechless.
It's like the plot of a bad romance novel, with added hetcest!
And I can't stop thinking about it! How Sam has made this life for herself, how she wishes she hadn't run, but now she can't go back, because she's got a baby to think of, and how on his six month birthday, she stayed awake for thirty-six hours, driving and driving and stopping only to pee and change him, so that the demon couldn't get him or her, and how she ended up working in a record store up in Seattle, and taking classes online to finish her degree, and Dean has spent the intervening years frantic, but he was looking for a girl, not a pregnant woman or a mother and baby, so he never found them, and then he's kicking back for an afternoon after a job, and he goes into this record store, and the girl behind the counter is sort of hostile, because of course, the kid looks just like him, and there's a picture tacked above the register, and he discovers that Sam is the manager, so he hangs around waiting for her, and he's flipping through the vinyl when Sam comes in with the kid on her hip, and the kid is all, "But WHY can't we have a dog, Mommy? I would feed it every night and walk it every morning, I swear," and she's like, "I think you might be too little to walk a dog right now, sweetie. Maybe when you're six. How about when you're six?" And she sees Dean standing there, and he sees her, and she's like, "Johnny, say hello to your daddy." And the kid is all "Really? That's my dad?" And Dean is all, "...Sam!"
And I could go on and on about what happens next but OH MY GOD MAKE IT STOP!
I am hoping by typing it out like that, the urge to actually do more than just play it out in my head will go away.
In terms of other WsIP, I have "Beggars Would Ride," which as you can see, has taken my brain over and won't let go, but as soon as remix admin is done, I plan to write the final scenes and the epilogue. That should bring it to somewhere between 45-50K words *whimpers*, unless things get out of hand. Which, given that this story was meant to be a toss off of about 3K words when I started, is a definite possibility
Then I have "Give Me a Leonard Cohen Afterworld," in which Sam wakes up and Dean is gone and Sam has to find him. That one's actually gen, possibly with a splash of het. Though I feel like even my gen is very vibey. I mean, look at the show!
There's also "This Thing of Ours," about this old man and his car, and this haunting, and Dean and Sam investigate. Gen, casefilish. Mostly about Dean and his issues, I think.
"Ashtray floors, dirty clothes and filthy jokes" is the year-in-the-life story, with one snapshot a month. I'd like to get this done, but I keep stalling out.
Those are the ones that are top of mind for now. And of course, I will soon have a remix assignment, though if everybody matches up and I'm the odd fan out, I won't mind. I'll always be up for pinch hitting. I'm also tempted to assign myself to a couple of different people if the matching doesn't come out even. There may be one or two people that happens to this year.
In addition to remix, I remembered yesterday that I have a Put the Sports Back in Sports Night story due in March. Is it wrong that I'm thinking Dan/Dana/Casey? I'm not sure what that has to do with the Carmelo Anthony brawl, but I'm sure I can work something out.
Now it's back to matching and squeeing about the fact that there's new SPN tonight. eeeee!
Maybe I will cancel my dental appointment. Hmm...