Lavi and Bookman met up with Doug in France, specifically to Elysee, a small town outside of Paris where there were rumors leading the Order to believe there was an Akuma nearby. They ate in one of the town's taverns, listening to some of the townsfolk talk of the "Statue of the Dawn Goddess". The rumor went if one prayed to the statue, the dead for whom they prayed for would come back to life. Another rumor was going around, linked to the statue, of the richest man in town named Jerome Dreselle. His wife died a month ago (when the killings started) and he shut himself up in his mansion, never coming out; his son Serge went around town drunk and squandering away his old man's money. After finishing their meal the trio went toward the mansion to gather more information and narrow down who the Akuma was, if it was even in the Dreselle family at all. At the door they were greeted by the emotionless, ten/eleven year old Colette, the family's lone servant. Upon asking to see master Jerome they were turned away by the little girl, being told that the master was not well and wasn't receiving visitors.
However Dreselle's son, Serge, appears, offering to speak to the Exorcists since his father is ill. They find out the reasons behind Colette's service to the family at such a young age; her father's debt to the Dreselles would probably never get the chance to repaid so she went to work for the family as payment. But as they got to the heart of the matter, the mysterious "Statue of the Dawn Goddess", Serge spoke of a strange visitor that offered to return his mother to life, mentioning the statue of interest. He described a man whom could possibly have been Tyki Mikk, a Noah, accompanied by a odd bat (possibly a Tease) but it is unknown who Serge actually spoke to. But when questioned if he knew of the statue's location Serge became a bit frustrated with his guests and soon stopped giving information as freely as he had before, as if he were hiding something. Just as the conversation seemed to be at an end Colette mentions a visitor, most likely seeking to purchase a rather large diamond in possession of the family. Known as "The Diamond of Good Fortune" it is nearly 300 carats and brings happiness and wealth to those that possess it.
Once the conversation does end Doug mentions to the Exorcists that Serge is hiding something, but what they do not know. A small discussion later and they agree that perhaps asking Colette for information would be a wise idea, and a lucky one as she was soon leaving the mansion to go shopping. Lavi, always suspicious and a bit hasty, pulled his hammer out, commanding it to grow to find out if she was an Akuma and merely hiding it from them. Doug tried to get the Bookman apprentice to stop but he simply stated his reasons and brought the hammer down inches from the terrified Colette's feet. Needless to say she burst into tears, which Doug calmed by offering his and Lavi's services to carry her goods. She reluctantly agrees and points at Lavi, calling him 'the guy with the eye patch' and saying she hates him.
She kept calling Lavi 'Eyepatch' as they made their way into town, night having fallen and Bookman staying at the mansion to keep watch, asking about his eye in a way that amused Lavi. People normally ignored it, never asking, but all he was able to tell her was that it wasn't an injury. After that she pushed them both into shopping and picking up items for her, no real talking getting done until they reached the mansion once more. She told them of the mistress who had passed and tells them that Jerome does go out at night but she never sees him when she investigates a noise. Thanking her for the information the two teens rejoin Bookman, relating what they learned. Little did they know that they were being watched from the mansion by Serge and the only other visitor that had been admitted to the estate, a workman whom Serge hires out to kill them.
Later that night when Jerome exits the house for his walk the three begin to follow the owner of the mansion, coming short when three men stepped out right in front of them, hefting weapons. Bringing his hammer out Lavi cleared the path so Doug could continue to follow Jerome, he and Bookman would stay behind and take care of the human attackers. With the men having escaped Lavi and Bookman race on to find Doug shielding Colette, whom was being used as a shield from the Akuma Jerome turned into by Serge.
Lavi pulls Serge's hold off of Colette, before turning to take care of the level two Akuma. However before he could attack, Serge's fleeing the scene managed to capture the monster's attention, leaving Lavi to reluctantly save him. Bashing the thing with his Innocence-imbued hammer wasn't doing a bit of damage to the level two, that is until he leapt high into the air and brought the mighty hammer down on it, leaving a crater. It still wasn't defeated and managed to claw at Lavi, sending the Exorcist to the ground rather hard. When Lavi stood again he was finally serious, calling the Innocence within the hammer to grow larger than before, despite his injuries. The Akuma crystalized and Lavi started hammering away at its shell, cracking and breaking the crystal until the Akuma was defeated. It was then that Lavi also noticed the diamond was destroyed as well, something he forgot when Colette finally called him by his name, he earned it for coming and defeating the Akuma just like Doug said.
The day that Lavi was informed about the new Exorcist, Allen Walker, who was in "The Rewinding Town", Doug also arrived back at the Order. Lavi couldn't wait to go greet him and find out any news he could about Colette, given that Doug was going to be taking care of her from now on. So as not to seem too hasty Lavi lay on his bed for a while, thinking that he felt like he was at home in the Order. The faces of those he had met, teammates and support both, flashed through his mind and he felt the attachments he was not supposed to form take over him. He questioned himself, who he was, and gave the same old answer but his face told a different story; no laughter but desolation instead. Then he heard a scream, racing with several others of the Order to find the cause, since an Akuma could not get past the gatekeeper it was unusual to hear such a sound.
What Lavi found that night was a pile of dead bodies in the middle of the hall, when he touched a body he "saw" an image of the Akuma that had killed the man. This is presumably a power granted to Lavi via his covered right eye. Slowly Lavi was pointed toward Doug, whom he found covered in blood, the young Finder had given in to the Millennium Earl. Colette had been killed because Serge suspected her of stealing the diamond pendant heirloom that was his father's when really Lavi had destroyed it upon killing the Akuma. Doug, now a level two Akuma himself, had sneaked into the Order with the intent to kill all there a few at a time. Lavi pushed aside his feelings and fought his first friend, crying as he used the fire seal against Doug's form and Colette's soul. The next morning Lavi and Bookman were sent to Germany, where "The Rewinding Town" was hidden away, with Supervisor Komui Lee accompanying them, which is right where he is taken from.