
Sep 29, 2011 18:28

✑Joyd takes control but keeps to the white form, the Innocence allows its use only because Joyd is fighting against Fiddler.
✑Cyril and Fiddler don't know about Joyd, all Fiddler knows is something is off about him because his parasites are finding it hard to keep a hold of his body.
✑Still gets thrown into the wall via Cyril when Tyki returns without Rhode but again, his strings have trouble holding on like the parasites.
✑Cyril questions Tyki why this is since he's fought against Lavi before but Joyd answers, shifting colors.
✑Joyd is asked to join up with his brethren by Tyki, to the surprise of all of them including Joyd.
✑He pretends to ponder the offer and agrees only if Bookman is released without any parasites and with his Innocence.
✑But just after the old man is released and out of the Noah's hands, Joyd disappears, leaving his host in charge again.
✑Left with a "useless boy" Cyril makes him grab his hammer with his bare hands and hold it against his skin in various places to try and draw Joyd out, either that or information.
✑Lavi refuses to give up any information and Joyd - of course - refuses to come out of hiding.
✑When Cyril is done with him for the night Lavi is placed in a cell and receives a visit from Tyki of all people.
✑Tyki offers him a deal, either Joyd comes out or Lavi gets a Tease shoved into his heart. Amazingly enough just as the Tease is about to make contact with his skin, Joyd comes out.
✑The two have a talk and make a different sort of deal: Joyd and Lavi will "escape" with the Tease (now Joyd's) and go off to find Allen to keep tabs on him for the Family, sending other Tease back with updates.

#dgmdressroom, ~halfamemory/amemoryhalved, !update

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