▼Aside from Yuli and Bookman, Lavi really doesn't mind being by himself. Takes the time and uses it to train.
▼He does, however, have limits to how long he can be alone before he starts to slip into a Bookman phase.
▼Finds himself talking to the lion spirit-beast that's locked in his head with increasing ease. And it frightens him that he's becoming too "attached", in a way, and that it will be harder to leave in the long run.
▼Barely remembers his sister now, but he often wonders what she'd look like and what she'd be like if they met. Or even if they have met would he recognize her.
▼Although he teases and flirts with Yuli and Lena, he never really means any of it, even when he says he does. But sometimes he wishes that he could mean it.
▼Had to relearn how to walk and do things all over again when he covered up his right eye on joining with the lion spirit-beast. Bookman never required that he cover it.
▼Very much a night owl and tends to stay up for days at a time, going and moving around during the night. Not because of the whole assassin thing, but because he loves the moonlight. To him, it's friendlier.
▼Not a fan of cats or dogs, tends to like feathered creatures a lot more. Hunting birds like falcons and eagles and goshawks.
▼Doesn't have a favorite food or a favorite color, whenever he's asked the answer changes each time. Though he always answers the same thing to the same person that asks.
▼Not really sure what to make of Al and his connections to the Clan. Although he knows things, he doesn't dwell on them, doesn't attempt to make very many connections to the assassin for hire.
-His kills are always recognizable, horribly sliced and tongue cut out
-Dislikes his singing voice but has a rather good one
-Once had a record in the royal mews, loves falconry as a result
Tends to flirt with girls other than Yuli come the autumn season, maybe because it's the season of leaving. It's just a drive that says leave her alone, try and make her see that she does care about him and misses him when he leaves her alone so long.