▼Joyd knows how to read lips only because Rhode said it would be a good idea to learn in case something else happened. It's proven to be a handy skill to have. And in a reverse sort of way, he can mouth words in an understandable sort of way for anyone else to figure out.
▼Was the son of a noble before he was taken. His family believes that he was killed by a bear, as he was out bear hunting when he was taken. Not even the hunting party that was out with him knows what happened to the young Lord. There was a limited search for his body but a storm came up and wiped out any visible bear trails.
▼Because he was a noble's son, he does have reading and writing skills. As well as a few other subjects covered and buried under months of brainwashing. Reading comes easier than writing, but he will refrain from writing if at all possible. Penmanship is horrible.
▼Believes that his family died from a horrible disease that he was lucky enough not to catch but lost most of his childhood memories from the trauma of the incident. He does know of the tradition the Noah-gypsies keep, however, he does not believe he was one of these brainwashed people. The clan keeps building against his thoughts of such things and he believes that he truly was part of this group of gypsies since birth.
▼Joyd does know how to do basic signs that almost anyone can understand to get across what his words. It helps that he mouths the words that he's trying to say as well, but even then he sometimes gets misinterpreted and prefers to have Rhode translate for him.
▼Incredibly close to Rhode, something that only happened after the fire-incident. She really adopted him into the family and considers him blood-related, told him as much. Cyril has done very much the same with Joyd and they're very close, almost like real brothers. Likewise he'd do absolutely anything for his adopted family, they're all they have, after all.
▼Adam, Rhode's grandfather, immensely dislikes Joyd for taking up so much of his precious granddaughter's time. But he tolerates Joyd and wouldn't do anything to hurt him, knowing that Rhode would be most upset with him. So the Tease that he's making to translate for Joyd is more so to get his granddaughter back than to help Joyd.
▼He doesn't resent Tryde at all for their partnership. The only thing is he wished they had each other longer, there was still a lot that they didn't know about each other and he wants that lost time. He really did love the gypsy in that innocent sort of way that children often have their first love. He keeps his hair long in memory of Tryde, who liked it long.
▼Before the fire, Joyd was an excellent singer and was the toast of all of the towns that they were able to stay near. It was one of the things that Tryde was drawn to before Tyki became Joyd. It was a clear baritone voice that could even get bitter old crones to simper and swoon when used in just the right way. Joyd never had to raise it, just simply speak or sing. It's one of the things that Joyd curses the fire for taking from him. Since then he's kind of withdrawn that flirting part of him and uses it only rarely.
▼Since coming to the Rose Village and meeting Lavi, even a few, short times, Tyki feels this odd sort of ping when he's around the redhead. Lavi intrigues him and he definitely hopes that the historian-gypsies are absorbed into their clan, whatever the danger that accompanies such a decision. He wants to get to know him more, sort of in the same way that Rhode and Alma want to get to know Allen and Kanda. But, at the same time, he's not quite ready to make that kind of venture. Tyrde's loss is still very fresh in his heart and mind. It's something he'd like to try later on, if Lavi would have him and if it's alright with his own family.
▼Barely remembers having a dog before he was brainwashed by the gypsies, mostly of rolling around in the snow and playing. Yet he also knows that this dog is dead because it died a few months before he was kidnapped in a hunting accident.
▼Now has a mechanical device named Tease and finds it irritating mostly because of the fact it has his own voice yet it can't laugh or sing. Still it's very useful and very durable even though water still seems to be a problem.
▼Still has part of a voice, though it's rather broken and is only used when Joyd is really upset or pissed off. It's not a very pleasant sound to hear and hurts his throat immensely.
▼Although he can manage to take care of other human beings remotely well, Joyd has a very complicated time taking care of anything furry that can't voice what it needs. Not because he doesn't see the need, it's just that he's so unused to caring for something so little.
▼However he's determined to try his hardest with the wee little bunny. He doesn't want to see it die and he doesn't want to disappoint Atticus.
▼Finds it extremely odd how some people react to him, even if he tells them that his name is "Joyd" and not "Tyki" he still gets treated like he's a bad guy. It's sort of discouraging and makes him want to stay in his room sometimes.
▼Still doesn't care much for versions of himself, he can see why some people hate him for sharing their face. But he still thinks that they should be given a chance, just like him.
▼Is in the process of building a wagon, and when wagon is done, he'll be living in said wagon. Though he might quite possibly keep eating food from inside, horrible cook.
▼Very interested in modern technology, just because it's so different. He especially likes the indoor plumbing, though, even though it was around at home. He just never got to use it.
▼Likes snow, very much, even though he usually stays out in it way too long when he's by himself. Got very ill when he was first brainwashed by staying out in it too long since he's from a summer country.
▼Is slowly starting to remember things that he doesn't remember from his gypsy life with thanks to trips to the beach. He remembers being warm all the time, spending time with people he doesn't recognize but his dog was there with him, remembers being little.
▼These memories kind of frighten him and Joyd has actually taken to avoiding the beach courtyards except when Atticus wants to walk there. He'll go there for the redhead but not on his own. Doesn't know how to deal with things he doesn't remember as being his.
▼Has found that he really does love Atticus in a romantic sort of way. Felt bad about it at first seeing as it was sort of a betrayal of Tryde's memory but he feels that the older man would have wanted Joyd to be happy even without him. And he's happy with Atticus.
▼Has his voice back in his courtyard for some reason, he's not really sure why this is but he takes advantage of it by singing. Missed it a whole lot while he didn't have the ability.
▼Getting better and better at cooking as time goes on and he's finding that he has a hidden talent for it. Something he would have never found out at home.
▼Despite having many people that he relies on in the DR he still misses his brother Cyril and his niece Rhode very much so. Sometimes - though he won't admit it - cries himself to sleep over this but never when he's with Atticus.