Rules: Write a journal entry for this meme with six random facts about yourself. Then pick six of your friends list and tag them - no tag-backs! These rules should be included in your entry
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they re-did tens in salisbury and it's like a frickin palace in there... i tend to go more towards dive bar type places, but it's worth checking out.. marks in bedford is ok... but on wednesdays they have an AMAZINGLY hot shower show with two girls that has left me speechless a couple of times. there's a place called zacharys on the cape, just over the sagamore bridge that is pretty dive bar-y, but has always been fun, and the girls there over the winter have always been pretty nice...
i *heart* strip clubs.... but, i pretty solidy *heart* pretty girls, so it's not a huge stretch.
Thanks, kafies! The more I think about it, the more uneasy I am about, you know, watching him get turned on by someone else. So we'll see if I actually follow through. . .
Comments 2
i *heart* strip clubs.... but, i pretty solidy *heart* pretty girls, so it's not a huge stretch.
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