Title: Together to the End
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: R
Word: ~2500
Summary: Dean and Castiel talked seriously about what happened and what's going to happen.
Spoilers: 5.04
Warning: Just man-man kiss
Notes: There's too much angst in 504 and most of the 504 slashes. I need to fix it in my brain so that I can live through the next week... It was cross-
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Comments 4
"But I didn't ask you because I didn't want you to be Michael's vessel. Even if we cast Lucifer to hell that way, there'll be no you anymore. It's more unacceptable than being abandoned by my brethren." Castiel lowers his head, as if recalling the distress.
I loved this part, beautiful and honest.
I use both tenses, present tense more often. But, to be honest, a lot of people have trouble with tenses. I think you did a brilliant job of present tense, you've only slipped in a few places. I read it though again and your sentence construction is really good, better than some I've seen who write in their own language. I think it only gets a little confusing two or three times in the whole story.
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