There's really no point. I am so sick of filtering shit on Facebook alone, and having to work out who goes where and what should be viewed by which filters... I just can't be arsed, really, besides which I don't post frequently enough for it to really be worth it. And even when I make non-serious posts, even just a survey meme thing or whatever, I still post fairly personal stuff in the answers!
I definitely fall into the "also" category. I believe I added you because I liked some of your comments in bougieman's LJ, and I tend to randomly add strangers who say things I like. :) Hi!
Oh! Coolies :) Hiya! Any friend of Bougie's is a friend of mine! ^_^ Hope you won't be offended if I don't add you back. I really wish LJ had capabilities to follow someone's posts without allowing them to see yours. Le sigh.
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