Hagakure x Anti Feminism coupling tour (Magasin 4)

Feb 08, 2007 13:01

I'm sorry I took so long guys! But here it finally is! *o*

Hagakure x Anti Feminism coupling tour (Magasin 4)

Well, Friday the 19th, Hagakure and Anti Feminism played in Magasin 4 in Brussels, and me and a friend decided, since it's pretty cheap and nearby, why not go? (Turned out that was a good decision, too)
When we arrived we took a cab to the venue, even if it was really close to the train station. X_x But mom had told me it's a bad neighbourhood and all that, so taking a cab was a good idea. The driver was REALLY friendly and funny. He told us it was a bad neighbourhood too, and gave us his number so he could pick us up afterwards. We were soooooo grateful ;o; (we're scaredy cats yo.)
And we arrived at the venue and saw…. EVERYONE THERE was like this… pseudo Goth type people…. And Maru and I were decora and oshare. >>,, Whut? But people kept commenting on our possessing of Bou-like stuff. (Maru has Bou-hair which confuses me when I'm not wearing my glasses, and I was wearing a ton of Bou badges which people wanted to steal >>; ) Anyway, we were waiting there and EVERYONE was talking French. Cry… Until eventually the door opened, and we heard some people going on about like "ask her, ask her" in Flemish… and pointing at me. So eventually I went "Ask me what?" and they were SHOCKED cause we're Flemish too! XD It was awesome! But yeah, they wanted to know where I got my Bou badges. Except they couldn’t pronounce ‘Bou’. EVERYONE there pronounced it Boo instead of like. Boh. >>; These noobs SAY they’re fans, but obviously they’re not as hardcore as me, HAW HAW. (srsly. Dakku no majikaru adobenchaa/ Shikisai MOOMENTO much? Dx)
Anyway we got in and… we didn't even get a pretty ticket! We got a lame stamp on the hand! So much for super memories.
Well then. We got in and first thing we did was… GASP. Seriously. The venue was SOOOO small it was frigging amazing. We pushed our way through the crowd at the door and to the stage… We were like, in second row, between the left and middle part of the stage, and there was no major pushage. Only through the crowd that was buying merch and drinks. Which doesn't even count!
We had to wait really long though. I think they started 45 minutes late or something, which annoyed us because we had a train to catch and we wanted to be able to do the meet and greet. But then eventually a man came on and he looked like some guy who served ramen at one of those ramen stands. We didn't really know what was going on but everyone started screaming. So we were like… YAY RAMEN MAN! And then… Ramen man got behind the drums! Oh. That made us figure out the deal. Then a guy with horns came out. He was beyond pretty. And then he moved… AND STOOD RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME YAY. Haha, Yeah that made me pretty happy. That one was the bassist… Then out came what looked like someone really pretty, in a beautiful kimono, the guitarist. He stood at the right side of the stage. Then out came the lead singer. I felt embarrassed because I totally forgot what his name was… But he looked amazing, too! He got to the centre, put on this Mickey Mouse glove and held out his hand towards his fans, encouraging everyone to grab it and touch him! 8D;; Yeah, that made me happy. I touched his Mickey Mouse glove *gasp*
I would do a song by song review, but the problem is I knew none of their songs. So I'm just going to try and give a vague description of the events that followed… Probably in the wrong order, but whatever.
First of all, this happened near the middle of the performance, but this way I can stop referring to everyone as vocalist, guitarist, etc. But the vocalist stopped for a second to introduce his band. It was adorable! He had this cute broken English, and went "Do you know who this is?" First, he pointed at the drummer, ramen man! And everyone started screaming his name and me and Maru were standing there all… uhm. Yah! THAT GUY!! We understood something along to lines of Takero. It’s Gajiro though! xD; (He should change his name to Ramen man.), next he pointed at the guitarist and suddenly EVERYONE was quiet! It was so funny! The guitarist looked mock-sad for a second, and then the singer introduced him. But again I didn't really understand very well. I hear "Ko*blank*o" Something like… Kolo, Kono, Koro… I'll refer to him as Koro from now on. (turns out I guess right, BY THE WAY!) Next, the singer pointed at… pretty bassist man! And again everyone was silent. Singer man laughed, and then said another name. I couldn't understand it again! We called him Leona, but I was 100% sure that was NOT his name. Only when I came home did I read that his name was ACTUALLY Leona. Next up, he points at himself and goes "Do you know who I am?" And everyone started screaming again! I knew his name but I temporarily forgot. Anyway, he asked us "Who is your favourite?" and most of us screamed LEONAAAAAA!! And the singer was all "What? No, no! You have to say… KAYAAAAA!!!" and everyone cracked up! Including Kaya. As for Leona, he was kind of shocked! Pulling one of those "WHO, ME? O__O" faces.
That said, I'm going to try and list the events in a better order now. And fail miserably.
So, after they got onstage, they started playing music, and Kaya kept encouraging us to do the hand motions with him, always getting back and making us touch his glove! It was a good glove. Nice and squishy!
Anyway, at first I thought Koro was REALLY pretty, but then he got closer to us and… It was kind of shocking. XD;; he was fuglay. In a semi-cute way, but still.
After playing some songs, Kaya took a pause to interact with the crowd. He told us he was pleased to be playing here I think… there was more stuff but I forgot .___.,,
More of the playing and he got rid of the glove! Yay! A HAND! Again he encouraged us to do hand motions, and got to the front of the stage to go 'HEY BITCHES, TOUCH MY DAMN HAND!' (Well not entirely.) Eventually people started PULLING him into the crowd and he'd start laughing and hug random fans! It was so adorable… He was really happy about it too and it was less of us pulling him off the stage… more like…he'd almost jump off! (I say almost. He made it seem like we were pulling him, but he half jumped off every time!). He made sure to go to as much people as he could too… not just the ones in the middle! X3 And at one point…. He jumped off the stage and gave me a hug! GAWD I was like! YAY! KAYA! *hug* Man… he has MANLY arms! X_X It was really surprising! But I didn't really mind! X3
Uhm. Well… he took a lot of pauses too, to say things to the crowd.
Once he promised that he would return eventually… though I'm not sure what exactly he said cause idiots kept screaming. But it was either "Next year" or "maybe not next year." He said he was really enjoying himself, and that he looked forward to seeing us all again…
Then somewhere near the middle of their performance, they started doing… REALLY random stuff! XD Like… Kaya suddenly holds up this little plastic sword and says "Do you know what this is?" and everyone started screaming "KATANAAAAAAA!!" and this one girl yelled out super angry that it was in fact a… I forgot the name. Kaya lolled at her and then said "Japanesu sword!" and he looked at Leona who also takes one, and repeats, with a beyond adorable smile "Japanesu sword!!" And they both stood on one side of the stage and did this little swordfight… Where in the end both of them were without a sword… and Kaya says "Now… faster!" And they repeated it, but Leonard was too slow, and his sword went flying and Kaya's all *POW* on his head. It was too adorable! Then Gajiro stepped to the front and says "I want to tell you… Japanese joke!" And he placed his left hand next to the right side of his face and goes "AIEEEEE!!" and tells us to repeat… so everyone's doing it… and he just made us do it again and again, louder and louder!! And then suddenly what he said turned into "HAGAKURE!!" and we're all HAGAKUREEEEEEEE, then he laughed, bowed and went back to his drums. Then this traditional music starts playing, and Koro comes on the stage in a new kimono, hiding behind a paper parasol. He twirled it and slid along the stage rather gracefully. And at the end, he sat down, put the parasol away and started kind of dancing. Like a geisha, I guess. It was really pretty, and after a while he took two fans and used those in his dance. Well it was really pretty, and in the mean time, Kaya and Leona were getting changed. Gajiro was encouraging us to clap to the beat while Koro danced, but after a while some people got sick of it and the clapping semi-died down. Which was kinda gay. WUSSES. D<
Then there was this bit where Kaya went “Do you know… who we are?” and off course everyone started screaming “HAGAKUUUUUREEEEEEEEEEE” and he smiles and nods and goes “That’s right… say… ha - ga - ku -re!” and we repeat and he goes “What? HA - GA - KU - RE!!” and we kept screaming it but it was never good enough. ;o; Kaya laughed and then eventually managed to stop torturing us xD;;
Umm… OH YEAH! After the introductory thing, they played a song to kinda introduce the band… and it was basically Kaya pointing at a bandmember and making us scream their name… and then the bandmember would play something. Which, again was pretty damn cute cause Kaya kept hopping around like some sort of hyperactive bunny on speed X_X
Then… The last song they played was SO damn catchy >< And Kaya made us jump every time at a certain point in the song and it was so fun, even though sometimes we timed our jumps a bit wrong. (*o*) After a while we could even sing it along a bit. XDD I was really sad to see them go offstage, but seeing as both me and Maru were thirsty, I offered to go get some water, and quickly check out the merchandise before Anti Feminism came on. So I went to the bar, order our waters, wait a sec…. And suddenly I see Leona just randomly walking around behind the bar. He looked pretty lost and it was so cute! xD He was just about to come say something to the fans, but then someone told him something and he ran off towards the stage. Which intrigued me and I quickly went back. And… saw Gajiro rush onto the stage and behind his drum set. Yay! They played the last song again, but I don’t think anyone minded, cause… it was WAY too damn catchy!! Me and Maru drank our water at the speed of light and started jumping around and singing again! There was a lot more of Kaya’s jumping… I mean, being pulled into the crowd (yeah nobody bought it anymore.) and hugging the fans and whatnot… and then they really left. Sad. ;o; I was really glad to have seen them though, they were AMAZING. Kaya’s goal to make people happy with his music and live performances was successfully accomplished!! Even now, after watching a few clips of the live on youtube, I can’t help smiling and hoping to see them again soon. Even though his voice wasn’t that great, I still admire Kaya as a live performer. *insert mushy admiration speech here*
But yeah. After that, I told Maru I was going to check the merch, and she told me to tell her if there was anything interesting. I considered buying a Hagakure/Anti Feminism dvd, but it was mainly Anti Feminism and I wasn’t sure if I liked them yet. Then there was a Hagakure single, but no cd’s by them… which made me kinda sad cause I really wanted one after that performance ><; A lot of merch from the bands that the members of Anti Feminism are in (Cannival Method, The Dead Popstars, √eight, etc etc) But I didn’t really know any of them so decided not to buy anything just yet. I went back to tell Maru what there was, and she decided not to get anything just yet either. By then it was pretty late, and I decided to text my mom to ask her if she knew when exactly our last train was… and my phone fell off (-_-;;) dead battery. I knew it was somewhere between 11pm and midnight, and… it was almost 11 I think. But then I remembered that we could take a train after midnight, that went to Antwerp, stop in Berchem and take a bus to my place from there… (Ato darling… This is what we did when you visited. We’d visit the gaybar, the gaybar ;o; *oh the emotion*) So we decided to do that instead of take the one that stopped in Mortsel. At least that way we’d be able to see Anti Feminism too.
Only problem? Anti Feminism took ages to come onstage.
So me and Maru talked while we waited, and DAMN did the fans annoy me. First of all there was this girl gossiping about everyone in the crowd the entire time, acting as if she was the shit. I saw her point at me and Maru several times, but to be honest I didn’t really care. So what if we actually wore colours to a gig? I think we looked mighty cool. And to quote Maru “Damn, at least we don’t look like pandas” Which made me lol pretty hard. Then there was this girl going on and on about how each and every damn fangirl is soooo annoying and pathetic and sad… (Which was pretty ironic cause when Tomozo from Anti Feminism came onstage she went batshit crazy.)
Right before Anti Feminism came on this lady got on the stage and said “Who came here for… HAGAKURE?” and of course, people started screaming. Then she said “Who is here for… ANTI FEMINISM?” and again everyone was screaming “YEAAAAAAAH” (and I was all “I guess sooooo…”) then she said “Who is here for… ME?” and there was this silence like in some cartoon, I could almost hear the crickets!! And a gay randomly yelled “YEAH YOU’RE HOT!”. She was all whut? Then she said “Yeah but you don’t count.” And then… ugh. She started explaining something about the meet and greet, and the condition on which you were allowed to participate etc… But these dumb French cunts just kept SCREAMING throughout the explanation. Maru doesn’t speak or understand French, so she couldn’t help me out, and thanks to the screaming idiots, I didn’t understand. I was so effing pissed off like you wouldn’t believe.
Anyway, Anti Feminism came onstage, all wearing red outfits, and… Kenzi had a paper bag over his head. I think the weirdest part is I wasn’t really that… weirded out? When they started playing I actually started regretting my decision to stay longer pretty fast. The music was pretty bad and repetitive. It kinda reminded me of Agitated Screams of Maggots on repeat. (HAH!) I decided to stay cause I figured Maru might be enjoying it.
As such, I tried my best to enjoy the thing, but it was soon ruined even more when these people started moshing and one of those bitches effing went and elbowed me in the nose. I had to stop and cry for a bit, and my nose was a bit swollen the days after that, but I got over it pretty fast. When they started the moshing again, I decided to not take any shit and went by the rule of “Elbow or be elbowed motherfucker.” And I got the one who got me in the nose back! HAH! I gloated a bit after shoving my elbow in HER nose, and they stopped and were all “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? *glare*” And I was like “bitch please, you damaged my pretty nose. A nose for a nose, yo.”
Uhm… I have to admit though, after a while, Kenzi’s psychoness was quite amusing. At one point he started pouring this lotion all over his hand, and some guy ran out telling everyone to move back, and FWOOM. Kenzi just goes and SETS HIS FRIGGING HAND ON FIRE. (there’s a video of that on youtube BY ZE WAY.) At the beginning of the gig, he took this neon light and smashed it and then started… eating the shards of glass. I think he also cut his belly with them. Not emo at all. Not. At. All. Then he threw the two ends of the neon light into the crowd, and I felt a piece go by my leg. I was pretty lucky though, cause it wasn’t the sharp side that hit me. Damn. It would of cost me fortunes in sock repairal. The fans proved their stupidity once more, by flying after the neon lights, and then backing off real fast once they realised there was a whole damn lot of broken glass. I saw one guy (damn he was cute too) hold one of the ends later though.
So, music wise, there was not a lot of memorable things, and as such, I’ll just keep on ranting about the crazy stuff. Har, har.
Tomozo kept pulling these REALLY weird faces at us. It’s like, one second he was standing around looking pretty, the next he’s all… BUUUUHHHHHHUGLAYFACE. He was a giant tease, cause he kept moving to the front, leaning towards us all “come and get it bitches” and then edging back whenever anyone even got close to touching him.
At one point, Kenzi took this little peace of paper, kissed it, or something, and threw it into the crowd. It pretty much fell into my hands, haha! But then the girl in front of me went NUTS and ripped it right out, and all that was left for me was a little corner. I didn’t really know what was on it and decided to check later…
I forgot! Somewhere at the beginning, Kenzi unzipped his pants and put his mic in and started giving it a handjob… like REALLY fiercely jerking at the poor thing! Then he left it in his pants a bit longer while he ran around. Then a while after, when they stopped playing a song, he randomly goes… “PIKA PIKAAAA~ PIKACHUUUU!!” it was SO funny! Then he imitated another cliché furry little anime thing (not a pokemon, not a digimon, etc. I think it might’ve been piyoko, but I forgot.) and everyone was laughing SO goddamn hard! Seriously, one second he’s all psycho and sexual, the next he frigging turns into a cute furry animal. Big transformation much?
Halfway through, the entire band said something to the crowd but I never understood. Unlike Hagakure, none of them spoke English. I think Kenzi may have tried. But then last one to speak was Katsura, and DAMN it was cute. He’s sitting there all “Me no supiiku engrish. Me no supiiku French. Gomen.” And then he did a half-bow. It was too damn adorable!!
Anyway, after a while, Kenzi takes out more neon lights, this time 3 of them taped together, and breaks them again. This was near the end, by the way. Glass shards are flying around and… one got me in the finger. It was a pretty deep gash, and I still have a tiny wound on my finger. I’d take a pic to prove it, but it’s pretty much invisible by now!
Tomozo threw a guitar pick, and this may seem like a familiar scenario to you all, but once again, I caught it and it got snagged right away. (Ahh… Kaoru at Octopusrock festival moment.) Then he threw another one, and it fell on the floor, and I was like “OHNOES, THIS ONE BE MINE BITCHES.” So I got down on the floor and my knees suddenly decide to just stop working. Cry. I was in so much pain I decided to screw the pick and try and get back up. I think Maru actually had to help me, haha… Man, I’m such a sad old hag. Then Nachi randomly threw one of his bracelets, and it brushed my leg. I would have gotten down to take it, but due to obvious reasons, I didn’t.
We were goddamned grateful when Kenzi started spitting water all over us. Though, now that I think of it, Kenzi being Kenzi, that might have been sulphuric acid. (us not melting might prove that theory wrong though). Anyway, we kept hoping he’d spit some more cause it was fucking hot, when Katsura comes to the front… and yes bitches, it’s drumstick time. The first one he threw was way out of reach, and the next… POW. Right into my hands. And that of a few other fangirls. Most of them let go right away, and then it was me and Maru against this French girl. Maru decided to let go cause she figured “Kate has it anyway.” But DAMN the frenchie was a strong opponent. (Where’s the Kagerou guy when you need him?) After a loooong while of struggling (and the band having left the stage), we decided to break it in half. Which seemed quite impossible, too! Damn that thing was sturdy. Several people had to help us, and to be honest, I didn’t trust ANY of them. But in the end, I did get my half drumstick! It was the top half, and I made some jokes to Maru about sticking it to my broken bottom half of Shizumi’s drumstick. We didn’t want to stay anymore, since we didn’t know the details for the meet and greet, and didn’t care much to see more Anti Feminism, so we went outside and called the cabdriver. We had to wait a while for him to drive over to us, so we were out and people kept asking us what was going on inside. I also got the chance to look at the piece of paper Kenzi threw, and noticed it was a photo. All that was left for me was a corner of the hair. (the girl sent me a message on MySpace later asking if I was the girl who stole (-_-;; ) the hair and hand from her Kenzi pic. I answered I only had the hair and assumed Peggy ate the hand.)
But damn, it was so scary! Knowing we were in a bad neighbourhood and scary people appearing from every corner! ;o; Then while we were waiting, some car slowed down and the guy inside asked us “How much is it?” to which I said “TOO MUCH FER YOU MOTHERFUXXER.” And more people appearing and everyone kept asking what the deal was, what was going on, blablabla. And then some guys came up to us and started flirting and we were just… chicken shit scared! ;o; kept asking if we didn’t wanna go party with them by any chance, and then the amazing cabdriver arrived! <33333 Damn! We were so grateful!! So he drove us back and was all friendly and talkative and being mister amazing cabdriver man and then we had to stop at a red light… and some car stopped next to us with a bunch of guys going “hey let those girls out, they’re with us, we been looking for them a while now.” at the cabdriver and he’s all “no, no, it’s okay, I’m driving them home!” and the guys asked him “Oh yeah, where you bringing them??” and amazing cabdriver man said “To church!” OMG I WAS SO HAPPY!! I had to laugh SO hard and Maru was all 8D? Why they laughing?
And then we finally arrived at the station, rushed inside to check where to catch our train and….
THERE WAS NO TRAIN TO ANTWERP!! WWW.NMBS.BE IS A FILTHY LIAR!! And I mean. No. More. Trains. At all. Some to Leuven, some to Brussels, etc. But none that were helpful in any way. And my phone was still in a near-death state. Cry. I tried phoning my mom, but she wouldn’t answer, so I had to phone my best friend and tell HIM to phone my mom cause I couldn’t do it. Then he said he’d phone back and POW. Battery dies. So we’re running around in a panic, trying to find a payphone and failing horribly. With creepy guys following us around and being all cheesy and flirty and “dun worry, we won’t rape you as bad as Peggy would.” ;o; Eventually we decided to catch the last train to Leuven, and see if Maru’s parents could come pick us up, seeing as they live close to Leuven. So we arrived, Maru phones them and… THEY don’t pick up either! >o< What is it with parents and not picking up the phone? But at the very least, we were happy to be out of Brussels, and tried to find out where we could find a cab. And were very happy when the reaction of the students we asked wasn’t “How much is it?” but “Circus in town? <<” Then we took a cab and arrived safely at Maru’s house and went to bed all happy and safe and almost unharmed. (Well, Maru was entirely unharmed.)
The end! 8D;;

That all said, I'm quite desparate for any Hagakure-related songs/pv's/lives *o* If anyone feels like sharing, I'd be most grateful <3
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