The last two years...

Jan 17, 2008 13:44

I haven't updated my LJ in two years. So the last time was right after I moved to Florida... Well, the last two years have been more trying than they should have been, but you live and learn ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

watchmebe January 17 2008, 18:55:41 UTC
Woohoo, start updating :)


lizzie January 17 2008, 19:14:42 UTC
Yea for updating! Are you still working at that restraurant down in FL? (of course, I can't remember the name of it). Where are you applying to grad school? Why'd you get your license suspended? And would you recommend 27 dresses to me? It looks good, but I want your professional opinion. :-)


sprixie January 18 2008, 00:29:45 UTC


mushuxy January 18 2008, 15:54:08 UTC
I'm working at a place called Blue Water Bistro. I'll bring a menu up for y'all to look at; it's SO GOOD. Eric is obsessed! LOL. 27 Dresses is totally adorable, pretty terrific script (especially for a romantic comedy), and great acting from most involved (I wasn't a big fan of the girl that plays Katherine Heigel's sister). The only thing I didn't care for was the directing, but it wasn't bad, just nothing fancy, ya know? It was totally worth it and I'll probably see it again! :-D


maypril January 17 2008, 23:08:42 UTC
Where are you applying to??


mushuxy January 18 2008, 15:55:58 UTC
APRIL! I read your myspace posts all the time, hehe. I'm applying to Georgia State, NYU, and for City University of New York Schools: City College, Queens College, Hunter College, and Brooklyn College. I feel like it's time I finally grow up and work towards a career!


catlitter January 19 2008, 03:57:32 UTC
You do exist!!

I lived in Florida for a year . . . never saw ya there. Hehe.


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