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using PSP!
1. Crop and sharpen your image. Then duplicate the base and set to 'screen'. Depending on how light or dark your image is ajust the opacity to whatever looks right.
2. Make a new layer, fill it with #a9ebce and set to 'burn 70%'
3. Make a new layer, fill it with #a9deeb and set to 'burn 70%'
4. Make a new layer, fill it with #eba9de and set to 'soft light 70%'
5. Merge the layers. Then go to Adjust » Brightness and Contrast » Curves and put in the following:
Point 1 input:255, output:255
Point 2 input:0, output:0
Point 1 input:213, output:255
Point 2 input:52, output:0
Point 1 input:235, output:255
Point 2 input:30, output:0
Point 1 input:239, output:255
Point 2 input:16, output:0
6. Then go to Layers » New Adjustment Layer » Invert. Then set the Blend Mode to either 'soft light' or 'overlay', which ever one looks best. Then merge and you're done!
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