Tutorial 14.

Aug 02, 2006 20:48

using PSP9!

1. Crop and sharpen your image. Then copy the image and paste as a new image (so now you will have 2 images). Take one of the copies, duplicate the base and set to 'screen'. Depending on how light or dark your image is adjust the opacity to whatever looks right.


2. Make a new layer, fill it with #ebcbaf and set to 'multiply 40%'


3. Make a new layer, fill it with #41acdd and set to 'burn 50%'


4. Make a new layer, fill it with #f6b0e3 and set to 'soft light 50%'. Then merge.


5. Take the other image and desaturate (shift + h).


6. Take this texture by peoplemachines, move it around to your liking and set to 'screen 100%'


7. Then go back to the colored image and resize 85%.


8. Then go to the selection tool and pick circle (it should look like this this). Then go to the center of the image and make a circle selection.


9. Then copy that image into the black and white one. Mereg and you're done!


Examples using this technique:

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