(no subject)

Apr 08, 2004 17:42

~You hear music on the radio and you start marking time
~You're walking behind someone and you're in step with them
~You try to guess the tempo of your favorite song
~Almost all your friends are in band
~You know how to change on the bus without revealing anything
~People ask you about your social life and you say "Oh you mean my clarinet?"
~Being mauled by a drum is a normal part of life
~You've named your instrument
~You see your section more than you see your family
~You have dreams about selling band candy
~Reeds taste good
~You roll step through the cafeteria so you don't spill your food
~The band room is your second home.  It is your home if you've got it bad
~You hear a song on the radio and think: "Hey, this'd make a good pep band song"
~You don't describe people by going "brown hair, dark eyes, kind of tall" but go "alto sax"
~You have a designated section in your closet dubbed "for concert attire"
~Everybody in band fights like they're family
~When walking down the hall you are in step with your friends If someone is not, they fall behind or do a little foot shuffle to get in step
~You have dents in your furniture from hitting it with drumsticks or spit stains from emptying your valve
~You know how to play 10 popular-stand tunes, but don't know the words to any of them
~You can carry four different food products at a time and eat them while standing with your instrument on moving bleachers in the rain and not drop any crumbs on your pep band jersey
~You've missed class to march in a parade
~You point out instruments from the music in cartoons
~You're still humming band music from three years ago
~You've never had to pay to get into a football/basketball game
~You never go anywhere without a deck of cards
~You're feeling sick at school, but you don't go home until after band
~Your friends (uh... friend) who aren't in band hang out in the band room before class starts
~You've never ever sat in your class section at a pep rally because you're playing
~You still and always will find "Sax-a-ma-PHONE" entertaining
~Normal people bet on horse racing, you bet on the DCI Championship
~Immediate respect for any drum major. -ummm, no. only the ones that deserve it.
~You can measure 5 yards without a ruler- all you need is to count your steps while you're walking
~Normal people argue about the Vikings vs. the Packers, you argue about brass vs. woodwinds
~Looking at pictures of new instruments turns you on
~You're upset/confused when you don't get an A in band on your report card 
~You've broken into the band room at least once
~You don't take "double tounging" as a dirty joke
~A piccolo doesn't hurt your ears (when it's played right)
~You can play four different instruments and your mood decides which one you play
~You compose music in all of your classes and during lunch
~You build a website just for your band
~You start humming a show tune from three years ago and your friends join in with their respective parts
~You stay after school or during lunch to play around with songs with your other band friends
~The ring tone on your phone is an excerpt from your show
~You enjoy going to early/late band. Who cares if it's at the crack of dawn, it's the highlight of your day
~You weep tears of joy when you get a Superior -I haven't, but I'm sure I would
~You compare yourself to others based on chair placements in band/regionals/all-state
~You hate American Pie because if you mention band camp to a non-band member they ask you if you've ever stuck a flute up your... (even if you're a guy) and they still think they're really being original with that one -nahhh, it's still funny, in that lame, "never gonna get old" way
~You've tested to see if you can fit in a tuba case (or a tenor case:-P)
~You know what a piccolo trumpet is
~You've memorized the number and direction of turns from your school to the stadium
~You actually practice
~Every person you're currently interested in dating is a band member
~You refer to people by their instrument
~You plan a military coup of the band when your candidate doesn't win Band President
~You've tried out every instrument in the band room
~You've spent more money on reeds than on food
~Your most used turn-down line is "Sorry, I've got band that night"
~You can identify any instrument and who it belongs to by it's case
~You know where every single dent in your instrument came from
~"Rushing" and "dragging" are technical terms to you
~You've marched in your room, back yard, and/or driveway
~You tell the incoming freshmen "This one time, at band camp" stories... and act it out in detail like it happened an hour ago, and your best buds laugh so hard they cry Good times, man
~You and your friends eat lunch in the band room
~The word "fingering" doesn't make you think gross thoughts
~You can scale the stadium seats with ease, but you trip on the stairs in your house
~You know all the cheers that the cheerleaders yell at all the football games
~You hum pep band tunes in the shower
~You've seen a trumpet player's lips get stuck to his mouthpiece because it was so cold outside
~You've become able to fall asleep any time and any place
~When a teacher yells at you for talking in class it's usually because you were talking about band
~You have certain songs that your bus sings on every bus ride, and you have to supress the urge to belt them out on non-band bus rides
~You see your fellow band members more than your siblings and your director and instructors more than your parents
~You gossip about people in band, and you know that if you're in band, your personal life is no longer personal, and there's no point in trying to keep it that way
~You go up to the band room to practice during all of your study halls, not just because you need to practice, but because you want to be in the band room
~You cried when you found out that you made drum major
~Your idea of a fun Saturday night is spending it at a band show
~It does not bother you at all that every Saturday, you spend over 12 hours doing something band-related
~It's 2:00 in the morning and you think "Hey great, I still have time to practice before school starts!"
~You actually DO practice at 2:00 in the morning
~If someone tries to walk through the band, you yell offensive expletives and kick them out
~You say "I have a crush on the drum major" and you are automatically friends with the whole flute section
~Thinking the drum major is hot is normal -yes... cuz he's my boyfriend :)
~Stalking the drum major is normal (and easy... I mean, you see them 24/7)
~If you're in the clarinet or flute section, you meet a new person every day that you didn't know was in your section
~You have dated someone from each section of the band... including the drummers
~You hear a story of some random band idiot and automatically assume it was a drummer (or in extreme cases, a trumpet)
~You have more music than notes and textbooks combined
~More than half of your shirts are band related -eh, not half, but a decent amount
~...and you actually wear them
~You find that most of your closest friends belong to band. Other people just can't relate
~Icy winds and sub-freezing temperatures at football games don't bother you. Who needs feeling in their toes? Pep band is worth it!
~You spend as much time practicing your instrument(s) as you spend doing homework
~You download songs that you play in band because they're so much better than the songs playing on the radio
~Your favorite memories and stories are from band trips
~You have no life and LOVE IT!
~You switch instruments so often you don't know which section you belong to and develop multiple personalities
~You speak more than 25 words in Latin, French, and Italian (poco meno moso, anyone?)
~Your instrument cost you more than your car
~You've ever been run down by a tuba or tenors
~You've ever performed emergency surgery on an instrument with or without duct tape
~You've ever tried to play two instruments at once.
~... and you succeeded
~Your first criteria for college is that it have a band, even though you intend to major in something else
~You get excited when the staff finally gets a new tuner
~If an adminstator wants to find you, all they have to do is walk down to the band room
~Your college essay is all about how band was the best thing that ever happened to you
~Someone will start singing a section of a piece in the halls and everyone will jump in with their parts in perfect harmony
~For those of you who do not have a marching band at your school, you desperately want a marching band and you have suggested it many times to your band conductor
~All the parties you have outside of band end up being band parties anyway
~"8 to 5" is not a work day
~You have perfected the art of playing with a broken, torn or rippled reed
~You can march to 9/8
~You can conduct in 1/1, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, and 5/4 with little effort
~The whole band is on your buddy list -pretty much...
~You know exactly how much beer to drink out of your bottle to produce the tones of a dominant seventh chord -hahaha
~You know that the alto sax is stalking the bassoon player, who thinks the snare player is hot, who consults the keyboard player on Final Fantasy stuff, who is best friends with the bassoon player
~This is your version of the "Kevin Bacon Game"
~You are ecstatic when you find out you are getting new uniforms next year but you feel a little sad and nostalgic too
~You want to punch someone when you learn that you're getting new uniforms not next year but the year AFTER next when you'll have already graduated
~Even though you are falling down drunk, you are still able to march perfectly and not miss a note
~You have deep, meaningful relationships with people and yet know them only by their nicknames
~Playing through a rehearsal when it's 100 degrees outside with 90% humidity? Not a problem
~Your walls are covered in old band trophies, medals and certificates
~You want the brassline from the Blue Devils to play at your wedding
~"Once more" doesn't in fact mean once more
~You get a tattoo of a music symbol
~You make fun of Drumline
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