Sweetie, if you really follow through with what you said here, you will make me soooooo happy. Seriously, you have no idea. Just a suggestion, though...I really think that until you learn how to put your nose to the proverbial grindstone, you might want to include a little less marijuana use in your work plan. I know you think you can work while you're high, and maybe you can, but the reality is that you DON'T.
Maxi, I totally know how you feel here. I have so much shit I need to get done and stuff that I really want to do but somehow I just can't kick my own ass (example, right now I'm about to pull together a bunch of shit I need for my Calarts application that I have to mail out tomorrow at 10am. I worked for andrews parents today and while leaving he asked if I wanted to go with him to your house and it took about all the effort in the world to turn him down). I have not taken one photograph since my break started and I hate that. Anyway...just wanted to let you know your not the only one in this boat. Here's to a year with less procrastination :)
maxi you should get a facebook and conform. and so i can talk to you. because i miss you. alright, i said it. i feel dirty. i want to use my new slavic language on you.
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