Was gonna write about how the academy's been going for me but
this just pissed me off too much to write about anything else, man.
If I had a say in anything, not only would I keep the death penalty but I'd be makin' some of changes to that damn prison. I mean, how the hell does it work out that these rat bastards commit murder, arson, rape and god knows what other felonies and here they are, writin' on their damn blogs because some friggin' hippie wanted to give them that freedom?
Not only that, but when that prison break went down and people got hurt by those damn convicts (some of them I know), what did they get afterwards? A POOL! One that the city paid for! That don't seem right with me, man. Not one friggin' bit.
All they need is a hole in the ground to go in after they get hanged. If some child killer says they are gonna kill themselves unless they get a TV or a game machine in their cell, I say let them. We ain't gonna miss that piece of garbage.
That bit about the pool pissed me off even more now that I thought about it. I hope the idiot who approved that gets canned soon. Aw screw it, I'm going to bed.
-End of Entry