Daryan: *It's Saturday night and Daryan is sitting in his room with an acoustic guitar he borrowed from Klavier on his knee and a book of sheet music laying on his bed. He starts tuning each string of the guitar before starting to play, looking at the sheet music every few seconds.*
Franziska: *Franziska pulls into the parking lot of Daryan and Klavier's building once again, walking briskly and purposefully to the door and pressing the button to buzz herself in... perhaps with a bit more force than necessary.*
Daryan: *Daryan hears the buzzer when he stops playing after messing up a note and walks to the intercom near the apartment's door, pushing the talk button.* Who is it?
Franziska: *She sighs; she did call him, after all, and he knows she's coming.* It's me, Daryan.
Daryan: Come on up. *Daryan pushes the button to buzz Franziska in and unlocks the apartment door.*
Franziska: *She walks inside just as quickly, closing the door behind her as she turns to face Daryan, keeping her voice level.* ...Welcome back, I suppose.
Daryan: Thanks, it was a fun trip and all but it's good to be back, man. *Daryan turns around and starts walking across the living room* So what did you want to talk about, anyway?
Franziska: *She nods, drumming her fingers on her whip.* I believe we never discussed the matter of that letter you sent to Mr. Armando.
Daryan: *Daryan crosses his arms and looks away from Franziska I dunno what you mean, I didn't send that letter.
Franziska: *She pulls the whip taut in front of her, her voice dark with incredulity.* You didn't.
Daryan: Nope, it could have been anybody.
Franziska: *She snaps the whip at his feet, an obvious threat.* If it "could have been anybody," Daryan, I sincerely doubt you would have reacted the way you did to the post itself.
Daryan: *Daryan jumps back a bit when the whip cracks at his feet, but he's not giving up that easily* Hey, you were thinking that it was me right off the bat, and it's not! Do I look like the kind of guy that would send a letter like that?!
Franziska: Exactly. You certainly sounded embarassed for sending it. Not to mention, of course, that the writing style sounded very much like you.
Daryan: *Daryan sighs and slumps his head and shoulders* Fine. I wrote the damn thing. Happy now?
Franziska: Not quite. *A step forward.* I would like to know what on earth made you think that was even a remotely good idea.
Daryan: Because it seemed to be a better way to get that damn idea out of my head than the rest, man! I mean, which person do you think would have handled hearing that better? Klavier or that guy?
Franziska: ...If your only two options for advice are Klavier Gavin and a complete stranger on a public forum, Daryan, I would perhaps suggest rethinking your life.
Daryan: You don't think Klav would have told people about that? At least with that cyclops, I had the hope that no one would figure out who said that.
Franziska: *She sighs.* Perhaps, if you didn't want anyone to figure it out, you should have been less blatantly obvious.
Daryan: Hey, I wrote that thing just when I woke up. I consider that I didn't say any names to be a friggin' miracle.
Franziska: *This time, she actually does whip him.* I should not be expected to give you a lecture on the difference between a rough draft and an edited copy, Daryan.
Daryan: *The whip lashes across Daryan's chest* Gah, son of a...*Daryan takes a step back and curls his right hand into a fist before he calms down and relaxes before he does something that screws everything up.*
Franziska: Now. *She curls the whip around her hand again.* I trust you've sufficiently considered exactly how much of a mistake writing that was?
Daryan: *Daryan holds his side with one hand while resisting the urge to fight back, verbally or physically, and to focus on the bigger picture before answering* More than you can imagine.
Franziska: Good. In that case... *She frowns.* ...Did you wish to speak with me about these issues, or not?
Daryan: Psh, forget it. It was a stupid thing that didn't help anyone. I got something better in mind than that, just hang on a second. *Daryan walks down the hallway to grab the guitar in his room*
Franziska: Very well. *She waits as he leaves, privately rather relieved; she hadn't expected he'd want to discuss things, of course, but she's glad to confirm it.*
Daryan: *Daryan grabs the guitar and takes one last look at the music sheet he had on the bed before heading back out into the living room* Take a seat.
Franziska: *She sits, a bit apprehensively, but says nothing as she glances at Daryan's guitar.*
Daryan: *Daryan sits down on the couch with Franziska and starts checking if the guitar is in tune* I got better advice from my trip so that letter's worthless now.
Franziska: Ah. Yes, you mentioned you spoke with your uncle... *She neglects to add anything more, as he seemed fairly secretive about the matter on his journal.*
Daryan: Yeah, and he told me something better than just "talking". Better if I show you than explain. *And with that, Daryan starts playing Bach Suite No. 1 in E-Minor on his guitar, relying on memory and the brief practice he had once in a while.*
Franziska: *She's taken aback as he begins playing-- whatever she was expecting from Daryan, it most certainly wasn't this. ...And then it strikes her that Daryan's learned this specifically for her, in an attempt to please her, and... well, despite herself, she's rather pleased. His playing isn't perfect, of course, but the piece is still quite lovely, and she listens intently until the end.*
Daryan: *Daryan finishes and sets the guitar down on the table* Better than any letter, huh?
Franziska: *She still sits quietly even after he puts down the guitar; it's a moment before she says anything.* I... must admit, that was quite impressive.
Daryan: *Daryan smirks a little* Well, that's the best compliment I got from you so far.
Franziska: Consider yourself lucky, then; I don't give them away very easily. *She smiles a bit before standing, glancing to the clock on the wall.* I should be going, I suppose.
Daryan: *Daryan gets up from the sofa* I'll show ya out then.
Franziska: *She nods, following after Daryan to the apartment door, where she turns to face him.* Thank you for that, Daryan. *Her tone indicates that she hasn't quite forgotten her anger over the letter, but... at least she seems to forgive him somewhat.*
Daryan: My pleasure, Franziska. I'll talk to you soon.
Franziska: Of course. *She leaves and climbs into her car; and much as she doesn't want to be, she's in rather a pleasant mood for the entire drive home.*
Daryan: *Daryan closes the apartment door and exhales. He then looks at his right fist and thinks back to when he got the whipping earlier.* Dammit, that was too close.
((If you want to hear what the song Daryan played sounded like,
the video that helped decide what song Daryan would play.))