How to make a musical_star
First weekend of Robin Hood over. I'm okay.
My dress came out like total crap. I almost started crying at the dressmakers. (okay, a couple of tears did escape) The next day, (Saturday) I put on a face of utter woe and despair and explained the situation to Diana. On Sunday, I came in, was forced to cover my eyes- and when I opened it, the gown was completely re-done! I almost cried. Diana is such the goddess! She's awesome! So I was really happy.
I think that everyone feels sorry for me, because they would NOT stop telling me how wonderful my dress was. On Saturday. And yesterday too.
Anyway, as for her daughter- I'm sorry, but Molly was being a capital one bitch this weekend. And she usually isn't. So I'll give her the benefit of the doubt unless she keeps acting like it. On Saturday, I walk into the dressing room, and put on my makeup, and Molly makes an announcement.
"Okay, guys, you know that line where we all go 'it's really quite a hoot!' and make fun of Marian? Well, I started saying it, and now YOU'RE all saying, please, if you don't mind, just let me say it. I mean, I made up that line, and I make fun of her during the entire show anyway."
Okay, number one, guess who made up that line? I DID. The part about her making fun of Marian during the entire show anyway makes perfect sense, did she have to make up some crap about her coming up with the line first? Uh, no. But I didn't say anything, since I already have established a character (only Jackie and I have done that), I didn't need that line. And she says it so quietly anyway, only a small section close to us hears it.
I feel bad for saying this, but I spent all Saturday trying to upstage her.
I don't get mad and bitchy, I get even.
But I'm over it. I mean, she's an 8th grader. Little thing. Let her have her 'spotlight.'
Anyway, on to the certain person I like. I refuse to say anything anymore about who it is. I don't even look at him anymore- and I think that he finds it strange. That's all I have to say about that.
I have to call Playhouse 22 today about their summer season...darn...I have no idea what to say on the phone. "Hi, you know me, right? So, I can't make any of the auditions- Is there any way you can set aside another time for me to audition?" I don't know, it just sounds weird.
This week, I'm not planning on leaving the house. I'm catching up on all my sleep.
And gotta fix that scanner so I can finish working with the picture and send it back....