I'm Amazing!

Nov 02, 2007 15:56

Not just bigheadedness, but my Cooties Attack CD arrived today! And I'm so happy about it. "I'm Amazing" is my favourite song, lol.
Since this journal is for both fandom and creativity, please forgive me oh writing-and-iconing friends, as I go into raptures over last weekend...
Alternatively, go to the cut if you DO want to read it.
Thass better.

Ohmygosh, the weekend was FANTABULOUS. As you may or may not have known - it was the first ever UK and Ireland Wizard Rock event! "Potter Rocks 2007"!!!! And EEEEEE, it was AMAZING.
Seriously amazing. Like, I flew down int he morning and one of my ears didn't pop, so I was half-deaf, but I went to the gig and I met Huw from The Shrieking Shack Disco Gang (who BROKE UP! So they weren't playing! Nooooo!) who GAVE ME their album...because I asked about it...and also sent me his other band's CD (the amazing Cooties Attack)...and ok, the gig was brilliant. Bella and the Deatheaters, Romilda Vane and the Chocolate Cauldrons, Siriusly Hazza P, RiddleTM, Miss Metamorphmagus and The Black Sisters all performed, they wrocked SO MUCH...they stood up and did an impromptu, live rendition of The Mysterious Ticking Noise!
I think that shows you the awesomeness of these people.
And then afterwards I got to go back to the hostel with them! Emma (Bella and the Deatheaters) has a totally dirty mind, she rocks...Amy (Romilda Vane and the Chocolate Cauldrons) has an amazing voice, and she told us off for ruining the books for her with our filthiness, lol...Jessica (Miss Metamorphmagus) seems sooo much older than she is, and she's cool :D...Victoria and Georgia, from RiddleTM, are sooo talented, like seriously, and are very fun...Jack and Alex from the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office (who didn't play! Though Jack stood up and did some IRISH DANCING. Proper stuff, too. Random!) are such a great double act, and Jack is absolutely hilarious. He also gave me good advice :). And Huw is just awesome. For inviting me in the first place and letting me share his bed, lol.

Anyway, I wrote a whole in-depth blog about it on my Myspace if you want to find out more about it. They're planning another big group gig in London around mid-December, so you should all try to go to that, it will be AMAZING, but there will be more people in the hostel next time...darn it. That could go either way lol.

Anyway, here we go. So I'm supposed to be doing NaNoWriMo, and it's day 2 and I have nothing as of yet. Well, that's not true, I have a starting point, which is more than I had when I did it two years ago, and I still managed to reach 50,000 words. In fact, I didn't even start writing until about the fourth day. So there is still hope yet :) It's going to be weird because people will be like "Oh my God, let me read it!" and I might have to say nooo. Because they might assume it's autobiographical, and that might be bad.
Amy and Emma from Potter Rocks called me a groupie, you see, because of the being-in-Huw's-bed thing. So..I don't know. I wanted to write it about a proper groupie, kind of like Almost Famous. Because groupie things are always funny. I don't think I'm that much of a groupie though...surely..lol.

Oh well. I didn't ask anyone to sign my chest. That's a big plus point :)

cooties attack, potter rocks, nanowrimo

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