Originally written for
rounds_of_kink Title: A Way From Darkness
Author: Slashydutchie
Fandom: Tanz der Vampire
Pairing/character: Graf von Krolock/Herbert von Krolock
Rating: M
Prompt: I'll give you what you need. Will you give me want I want?
Kink: power games, writer's choice
Other Warnings: Here be incest! Father/son
Story Inside )
Comments 4
I like it! It's sweet. (Not that I thought I'd ever be using "sweet" to describe a story of incest between vampires, but...)
Hahahaha you're probably right. I mean, if you think of the possible reasons behind the incest taboo, you find that none of them really apply here. It's not like they're about to go and have genetically defective babies with each other. It's not like Herbert is too young to consent. And yeah, I doubt they relate to each other on the "Dad, were *you* this short when you were my age?" level anymore.
(Though it still makes me giggle to say they make a cute couple.) Nice job!
LOL, I might just use that the next time I write a humor fic about these two. Even if it's just for the joy of palmfacing Krolock. ;)
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