Title: 10 Things That Didn't Happen In Tanz Der Vampire
slashydutchie Fandom: Tanz Der Vampire
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Exactly what the title says. Mostly slashy stuff.
A/N: In my mind, Steve Barton will forever be Graf von Krolock and Mate Kameras is Herbert. I don't really have any set actors for the others.
Herbert: Kann Ich nicht widersteee...
Alfred: *looks straight ahead*
Herbert: Eeeeeeee...
Alfred: *tilts head a bit*
Herbert: Eeehn! *gasps for breath*
Alfred: I'm waiting...
Herbert: Shouldn't you... well, run?
Alfred: There are FANGIRLS out there!
Herbert: Ah, yes... I see your point.
Alfred: *has just finished his lap through the audience*
Herbert: *patiently waits for him as he climbs the stairs backwards*
Alfred: *reaches top of stairs, panting, then sticks out his hand behind him and touches Herbert's ruffled shirt, hand slowly going downwards*
Herbert: *watches that hand with mild interest*
Alfred: *reaches his crotch* Everything in Transylvania is big!
Herbert: *happy grin*
Graf von Krolock: *as he bites Sarah* NOMNOMNOMNOMNOM!
Graf von Krolock: Saugt sie aus!
Alfred: *looks at Sarah and the professor, then at the crowd of hungry vampires and finally at Herbert* Er... would it be too late to reconsider that whole “friendship” thing?
Count von Krolock: My name is Count Giovanni...
Graf von Krolock: *walks on, kicks “Giovanni” into the orchestra* Sorry 'bout that.
Professor Abronsius: And you are..?
Graf von Krolock: Count Abugiov von Krolock, this castle belongs to me.
Alfred: Wait, wait... “Abugiov”?!
Graf von Krolock: It's short.
Alfred: For what?
Graf von Krolock: “Anything But Giovanni”.
Graf von Krolock: Denn liebst Du dieses Leben. Wird deine Liebe Leben sein! Und dich befrein!
Alfred: *POUNCE*
Herbert: A gay vampire doesn't seem to properly terrify you tonight, dear... what's going on?
Alfred: I'm sorry, Herbert... it's not you, but... I've just seen Twilight.
Rebecca: *walks in during Tanzsaal and starts hitting random vampires with a large sausage* Alles muss man selber machen!
Graf von Krolock: Guten Abend, hab vor mir keine Angst...
Sarah: *stares, mesmerized*
Graf von Krolock: Ich bin der Engel nach... *pauses, looking confused*
Sarah: *looks up at him expectantly*
Graf von Krolock: Wasn't there supposed to be a boy in the bath right now?
Alfred: You know, trying to kill me will really put a damper on any possibility of a future relationship.
Herbert: I'm not trying to kill you...
Alfred: Really? Then why, pray tell, were your teeth in my neck?
Herbert: All I wanted was a little nibble. Just a few drops, no more.
Alfred: A little nibble?! But you're a vampire!
Herbert: Exactly! And therefore I lack my own circulatory system.
Alfred: What does that have to do with anything?
Herbert: Well, in order to have some blood flow and make certain things... operate... I need the blood of other people.
Alfred: *thinks about this for a few seconds, then realisation dawns* You mean...
Herbert: I think you've got it.