
Feb 22, 2007 14:25

Because this is all I seem to do on livejournal these days...

1. When was the last time you shaved your legs?
Yeah...I really can't remember.

2. Who was the last person to wake you up with a phone call?
Cameron...yesterday at 3:30 in the morning.

3. What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
I was outside with Lexi.

4. Are you any good at math?
I used to be.

6. Do you have any famous ancestors?
Not that I know of.

7. Are you mad at anyone right now?

8. Do you know the words to the song on your MySpace profile?
There is no song on my MySpace profile.

9. Last thing received in mail?
A notice from the hospital about my bill.

10. How many different drinks have you had today?
0....I woke up like 20 minutes ago.

11. Do you know what number comes after 10?

12. Do you ever leave messages on people's answering machines?
Yes, but most of the time people can't understand what I've said.

13. Any plans for tomorrow night?
Tomorrow night is Friday...I don't know.

14. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?

15. What's the most painful dental procedure you've had?

16. What's outside your front door?
the front porch and the sidewalk and houses across the street.

17. Do you have plans for Friday?
I work at 4.

18. Do you like the ocean?
I like to look at it.

19. Have you ever received one of those big tins of three popcorns?
yes...i used to get them every christmas.

20. Have you ever been to a planetarium?

22. Something you are excited about?
march...spring break...and other things.

23. Who around you has the most problems?
that's funny.

24. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive?

26. Where do you keep your change?
in my sock or my piggy bank or my apron....or the spring break fun fund.

27. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people?
i guess speech class sophomore year.

28. Do you like anyone right now?
Yes I do.

29. What was the weather like on your birthday?
It was a nice day.

30. Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed?
depends on the temperature in my room. if it's hot...then I sleep with it open, if not, then closed.

31. What were you doing this morning at 10am?
I was definitely in my bed still sleeping.


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