You'll have to let us know how you like it. My husband and I fall back on playing tons of Rummy and Scrabble because we like to spend the time together, but we don't have a lot of two player games.
If you're looking for some interesting board games to play, try watching the youtube show called Tabletop, hosted by Wil Wheaton. They usually play with four people but some of the games work for two players as well.
That show actually introduced Ticket to Ride to us and we love that game. It's for 2-5 players and it's super fun. Your kids might be a little young for the game as it is but I've heard people have played simplified versions of it to accommodate children.
Comments 2
That show actually introduced Ticket to Ride to us and we love that game. It's for 2-5 players and it's super fun. Your kids might be a little young for the game as it is but I've heard people have played simplified versions of it to accommodate children. It's a German game (irony!) but is really popular all over.
I'll try to remember to let you know how we liked Tsuro though. It looks really fun from what we've seen played.
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