
Jul 26, 2006 09:54

I just took my placement test for the language course in Germany. What am I doing? It's crazy to think I will ever be able to speak or comprehend German! I'm seriously considering moving in with my parents and letting Derek go alone. There's no way I can do this. I'm so bad with foreign languages. I barely got through Latin in highschool and I ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

shemeg July 26 2006, 16:01:13 UTC
I promise you, Laura, you'll be okay. Every year, people come into Niger not speaking a word of French or Hausa and they struggle through 2 months of intensive language training. (All the Americans are at a learning center in Niger, but live with Nigerien families)At the end, there are sometimes people who can only say "hello" "how are you" "please help me" and "how much is this millet?". They are scared witless, just like you seem to be, to go out on their own into this country. After just a month or so more in their community, where they aren't learning from a book or some boring teacher, but doing real things, hands on learning, they are amazing. Not fluent, but totally confident and learning MUCH faster than they ever did from their books or classes. Some people are just hands on learners and I suspect you're one of them. Once you get there and are immersed in it, you'll really surprise yourself. I'll bet anything on it.


musicdawg81 July 26 2006, 16:10:44 UTC
You know, every one has told me the same thing ("oh you'll learn so much faster if you are actually in the country") but this is the first time it actually made me feel better!



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