So, you know what sucks?
Food poisoning. On Thursday afternoon, I reheated some food from the fridge - Mexican black sauce chicken with pita bread. Four hours later, my stomach started to disagree with me. I then proceeded to spend six hours throwing up more than a dozen times. I spent a very long time trying to calm my panicking system with every nausea cure I could find - ginger beer, bread and water, chicken soup, bananas - none of them lasted a particularly long time. The worst part was that my usual kind of sickness is the man flu, where every cough or blocked nose is a sign that my death is imminent and nobody seems to be aware of how dangerously close I am to sudden multiple-organ failure. So an actual health problem, where my digestive system seems to be revolting against me, is something that my brain struggles to cope with.
My system of dealing with sickness is divided between stoic discipline (which surprises some people) and utter childish terror, with almost no space between the two. So I struggled valiantly through the food poisoning in true Kiwi bloke style, lying around and watching bad TV, occasionally getting to my feet and wandering to the bathroom. It got to the point, though, where I realised that I hadn't eaten anything of substance for eight hours and wasn't really strong enough to do anything to redress the issue. So I called Boyfriend, who had offered to do anything I needed if it got really bad, and made some weak helpless noises over the phone. Boyfriend earned some major points by getting a taxi to the emergency room, and sitting in the waiting room with me for three hours, stroking my hair and making soothing noises. Considering he had to be at work the next morning, and by the time he got home it was 4 a.m., he deserves all the love I can give him right now, although he insists that it's not worth making a big deal about.
The last 48 hours have involved my stomach trying to get back to normal, although I'm more hydrated and a fair bit stronger - I went for a walk to deal with everything I left undone two days ago. Tomorrow I start a campaign (my first time as GM; I'm not-so-secretly terrified) and have a radio show, as well as Fiancee's work drinks. So who knows what I'll be like after that?