(no subject)

Mar 25, 2005 17:03

Stephanie, Adri, and Kara are all here at Karas laying on the bed "trying to sleep" Im online.. such a nerd. :D Just came back from the pool party. Twas fun. Well I have no life so heres a survey until we go jump on the trampoline. kthnxbye

kissed ur cousin: yeahh but it wasnt an insestuious kiss or anything like that.. psht
ran away: Once
pictured ur crush naked: Hahaha.. k maybe.. psht

Broken someones heart?: i dunno, probably
Been in love: I <3 everyone..
Cried when someone died:  No one im close to has ever died
Wanted someone: Fo sho
Broken a bone: Yeah  my arm
Done something embarrassing: Duh
Done a drug: Wellll... i've done pot thats pretty much it

Cried in school: Twice... I prefer to keep my feelings to myself or at least just with my friends

Coke or Pepsi: neither
Sprite or 7UP: sprite
Girls or Guys: BOTh. like I said I like pretty much everybody.. unless I cant stand them
Flowers or Candy: candy.. psht
Scruff or Clean shaved:  Scruffish, 5:00 shadow
Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes
Bitchy or Slutty: Slutty- just because someones slutty doesnt mean their a bitch..
Tall or Short: both
Pants or Shorts: pants n skirts
Night or Day: Night

What do you notice first: HAIR... gahh I love a guy with sexy hair
Last person you slow danced with: Hmm I dont remember
Worst question to ask: Gah there are so many stupid questions people ask

Showered: Last night, unless you count being in the pool for hours. :P
Stepped outside: 15mins ago or so
Had sex: Nada

Color: purple, black, green. Why pick a specfic color to like?
Movie: Cant choose
Artist: I like a lot of De Vincis stuff
Cars: Erm I dunno a viper thing
Ice cream: Cookies n Cream
Season: Fall
Breakfast Food: POP TARTS *worships*
Who Makes you laugh the most: All of my friends make me laugh. USually when im with Kara n Maria I laugh the most
Makes you smile: Lots of people make me smile :D or at least try
Can make you feel better? most of my friends
Has a Crush on you: lol I dont really know.. theres this one guy im pretty sure but im not saying any names
Do you have a crush on someone: Eh not really anymore
Who has it easier? Girls or Guys?: guys

Gives you a funny feeling when you see them: Funny feeling?
Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: Lmfao no, I dont like talking on the phone
Save AiM conversations: Lol sometimes
Save E-mails: Not yet
Forward secret E-mails: Psht, hell no
Wish you were someone else: Sometimes
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: Lol no
Wear perfume or cologne: Blah. No
Kiss: Yeahh... recently Aldo
Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: Lol i Used to do that all the time, not recently though

Have you ever fallen for your best friend?: Nope
Made out with JUST a friend: no
Kissed two people in the same day: lol
Been rejected: I guess..
Been in love: Nope
Used someone: Probably
Been used: Yeahh probably
Cheated on someone: sorta kinda
Been cheated on: yeahhh
Been kissed: Uh huh
Done something you regret: Duh

You touched: kara? umm
You talked to: Kara, Steph, Adri
You hugged: Adri
You instant messaged: Maria n Julian
You yelled at: Uhhh probably Maria
You thought about: Taha.. :D
Who teXt messaged you: .... im a poverty kid... cell phones amaze me.. I dont have one.. I like the ringtones
Who broke your heart: ... blah. screw 'em
Who told you they loved you: My mom.. lol

Color your hair: Sometimes
Have piercings: yeah
Own a thong: one
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