Hello everyone. I haven't written in here in ages, so i'll give you a brief synopsis of my life. Work, school, finals, play, school, work, friends
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So i planned on today finishing studying for my finals. I was actually going to do it, i promise. But i got a call from Scott and i ended up going to work for a couple of hours. And then since it was such a beautiful day i couldn't help but take a trip to borders and get a couple reading materials. And then i started think that 4n6 is this
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You know its weird when you think about it...when things happen when they happen. There are so many people in the world and what is the odds that you will eventually find that one person that makes you so happy its unbelievable. Or what is the chance that the person you like likes you in return. If everything were up to odds...it would be hardly
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What a fun day today. It was completely filled with Lindsay!!! We went out to eat at the best place ever...NOODLES. and i actually tried something new. I can't remember what its called but it had green noodles so that was fun. But Noodles was filled with a whole bunch of little kids....screaming....you know everytime i ever consider having
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Ah, yes, its another good and meaningful time in Psychology today. As much as I love researching on a topic that i really don't care about...I'm bored as hell. :) yay
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Ah...the new year. Its weird to think that a year has went by allready. I was just thinking about how many things have changed over the past 12 months...its crazy. My group of friends have changed a lot, i love all my friends dearly but its wierd how things kinda go in cycles. I guess i'm not too worried, things happen for a reason and its not
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MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! i hope everyone has an awesome day. I know i will...hanging out with my neighbors and sister. No big family thing....yet. AH the adventures of tomorrow. Hope everyone has a marvolous day
Woot woot...i feel so excited i actually have some things to write about. So i finally slept in on Saturday. It was wonderful, i was due for a nice long sleep. I woke up to theo calling me telling me to meet him and zach at state street for lunch. I was uber proud of myself. I was able to get ready in 20 minutes flat. That means actually
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