Title: The Beating Heart
Type: Song
The days our eyes met,
I knew.
My heart only beat for you.
The miles between us is an illusion,
That we are forced to believe in.
No matter how far we are,
My feelings for you are unchanged.
In the morning,
At night...
My heart only beats for you.
I'm restless at night,
Just thinking of you.
Allow my heart,
To be eased by your beauty.
Your gaze captivates me.
Your looks entrap me.
And your everything has me on a leash.
Whip me,
Beat me,
Let me bleed,
But whatever you do,
Don't leaveme.
Just remember my heart only beats for you.
So once you leave, the beating heart shall seize to exist.
I love you, my beautiful flower.
By: Kei