Title: Circumstance and Luck
madd4the24Pairing(s) or Character(s): Kurt/Dave, (Kurt/Blaine), Quinn/Puck
Word Count: 52k
Rating: Mature
Warnings: I feel like I should warn this reads a bit like a harlequin novel. What can I say? Guilty pleasure is guilty pleasure.
Summary: Dave Karofsky led a boring life as a practicing nurse, doing his best to keep his head down and atone for the mistakes of his youth. And then Kurt Hummel blew into his perfectly constructed, perfectly safe life, bringing with him an infant son and a whole mess of trouble. After that, boring was something Dave never wanted back.
Link to Fic:
Here at AO3 Link to Fanmix: By
jk_rockin Here with my appreciation.
Written for the
gleebang challenge.