Name: Samantha
Previously stamped as: Kate Bush (Regular) & Country (Genre).
Please provide a link to FOUR most recent applications you've voted on:
I have voted on applications underneath mine that needs votes.
If I missed out your application, just drop me a line.
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Ah yes, the classics. What's your personality like?: I'm a mess of contradictions, like my horoscope, I can be moody, sympathetic, fragile, temperamental all at the same time. I'm mostly feminine and a huge romantic and I show it openly through my love of florals and your usual feminine stuff (like ribbons, lace, pink, ruffles, tulle) but a common misconception people have of me is that I'm sweet and tender and well, just that. In truth, I'm so contradicting that even I have a hard time trying to keep up with myself. I can be bitter but I'm ultimately optimistic, sensible and yet idealistic, free-spirited and yet a control freak, fanciful and still realistic. I've long outgrown my days of idling around and sitting in the sidelines. I have ambitions and dreams and I work very hard in order to have them realised in the near future. I mostly show a strong, optimistic facade because I hate looking weak but my emotions get the better of me a lot (I'm governed by my heart). In short, I'm romantic, feminine, strong-willed, intelligent/bookish, mature, compassionate, intuitive, artistic, sympathetic, sensible, imaginative, passionate, sensible, dignified, a perfectionist, irritable, headstrong, indecisive, emotional, sensitive, temperamental, neurotic, contradictory, disputatious and dreamy - I have a feminine and somewhat tender quality to me however deep inside, I'm a strong person who can keep my head when the going gets tough.
Do you play any instruments? If not, what instruments would you like to play if you learned how to play one?: I love music but sadly, I'm not musically inclined. I've tried my hand at the harmonica, piano and guitar though.
Imagine you're trying to set up a band. How would you go about advertising or looking for other band mates? I'd like to have a close-knitted relationship with my band mates so most likely, I'd go around asking my friends if they're interested. If not, I'd put out flyers, go to gigs and see if I can find anyone interested etc.
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Are you politically involved? Not exactly.
Would you consider yourself more of a person who likes to sit down and listen to the structure of music, or someone who just dances to it? I'm not a dancing person, I'm so stiff, so when I listen to music, most of the time, I sit down and immerse myself in it.
Choose one song that epitomizes how you like your music. For example, if you're a dancer, you'd probably choose something like The Beach Boy's 'Dance Dance Dance'. This is hard. I have several favourite songs but none of them entirely epitomizes how I like my music. But here's a description of how I like my music - I listen to all sorts of music with the exception of Hip Hop, Rap, Dance, R&B etc and I like music that is nostalgic, romantic, meaningful (in terms of lyrics or melody or both) and emotional. Most of my favourite songs have memories attached to them which is the main reason why I'm so fond of them.
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On the scale 1-5, how much do you like what would be considered 'stereotypical' acoustics in your band? We're talking strumming acoustic guitars here, very earthy feel. I do love acoustics but I think a 3.5? Too much acoustic and strumming isn't very appealing, at least in my opinion.
On the scale 1-5, how experimental do you like your music? Will you be using rubber ducks as backup singers, or just sticking with your typical four-piece band? Haha, I am not a risk-taker or very experimental even though I'm generally open to new ideas. So, I think about 3.
On the scale 1-5, how danceable is your music? Could you groove to it in a club, or do you have to sit down to appreciate the nuances? Hmm...I don't like dance music, so a 2. I don't really need music to dance to.
On the scale 1-5, how sentimental is your music? Butterflies and days gone by, or pushing forward, no regrets? Oh, this one is an easy 5. I'm a sentimental person and I think my songs would show a lot of that. But, it won't be excessively sentimental, just in the right dosage, you know?
On the scale 1-5, how sexual is your music? Getting down and dirty, or sunshine and lollypops? 0 or 1. I'm really not a sexual person, but nah, I don't see my music being all sunshine and lollipops.
Quick, choose one inanimate object you own that you think represents you as a person the most. Don't explain it, just state it. Inanimate object? Let's see..okay, the first item that popped up in my head is lipstick. I wear it a lot (to the extend that when I don't wear it, people think I look pale). I guess a certain sort of maturity always comes along with lipstick and for the most part, I am mature and lipstick - well there's a certain style that follows it and my style is more or less that style. Lipsticks come in a variety of shades too - just like my personality which is multi-faceted and layered.
How important is live performance to the music you like? As in, presentation? Running around the stage or just about the music? Most importantly, it must look naturally I feel. So yeah, you can run around the stage while performing or just sit on a chair and strum...whatever you feel is suitable to the music you're playing and the mood it gives.
How important is image to the music you like? Image is important but I think talent is more important. Everyone has their own style and I think that should show, instead of just conforming to whatever there is out there.
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Is there a role you strongly disagree to be voted in? Please don't choose more than two as the options are limited: Go wild!
[ VOTERS!! The options for this theme are on the main 'Role' post!]