i don't know who you are..i was just searching around and came across your lj, but i just want to say that i know exactly what you're going through, because im going through it right now. i know it can seem like the hardest thing in the world to feel more than anything that you are supposed to be with someone, but sometimes, its just not meant to be. honestly i think you should pray to god and ask him to show you what he wants for you..but you have to be willing to hear him, whether its the answer you want or not. i will be praying for you, and praying that god shows you the way, whether you are meant to be with this person or not. if its meant to be, he will give you a sign. i really hope things work out for the best for you, bc no one deserves to feel like this..believe me..i know.
hey thanks alot. im really not online that much. sorry to see all these people leaving bad messages on your lj...you really don't deserve that. i hope everything works out for you. you're welcome to talk to me about it if you want, bc i am going through the same thing. feel free to keep me updated! i am changing my sn so when its changed ill let you know and we can talk ok? ill continue to pray for you
Re: whatevamusiclover16April 26 2004, 12:44:37 UTC
a drama queen is someone who makes a big deal outta nothing. Tells everyone about it. Gets other people to complain about it. Someone that starts something over nothing. Im pretty sure that im not a drama queen because im not doing those things. Im telling my feelings. Its about me, not anyone else. Soooo yea... do me a favor...CORK IT!!! haha Yea i dont even care so w/e. Go ahead and think what you want. If you feel like being even COOLER than you already are... cuz you knwo only cool people put anonymous... you can put your name. Ive been told thats the "in" thing to do now.
question...musiclover16April 26 2004, 13:10:48 UTC
Why is it that me of all people... someone who has been pretty darn happy and hasnt posted an unhappy journal in a good while always gets the crap talked about them? if you look at all the other people... all they do it complain and say how much stuff sux. ive been happy.. REALLY happy and yea things arnt perfect but its alot better than what it used to be. The only thing that bothers me, isnt whats said but not knowing who says it. if your gunna say somethign thast attempting to put me down, atleast say who you are so that i can come back with a response. but if you dont ... oh well. im not gunna sweat it. I knwo i have friends that care, if you dont, dont read it. Love Ya'll...Peace out Gangstaz!
Re: question...musiclover16April 27 2004, 18:01:09 UTC
hey jordan, i've said stuff i shouldnt have said on your jounal and i just wanted to say i'm sorry. Your a really nice person, even though you have your moments (we all do) and thats awesome that your happy. I'm real sorry. *caelie
Re: question...musiclover16April 27 2004, 20:35:15 UTC
hey, thanks caelie... your a cool eprson yourself. im not about holding grudges so yea.. all is well. peace out homes. (speaking of i gotta ur guys' new hosue some time..peace
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