The Potion Makermusicman9389ium is a milky, runny yellow gel pulled from the bones of a fox.eclipticeyesium is a cloudy, crumbly maroon solid siphoned from the leaves of a monkshood.Mixing musicman9389ium with eclipticeyesium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing a translucent tan potion which gives the user the power of summoning lightning.Yet another fun meme brought to you by
rfreebern The Potion Makermusicman9389ium is a milky, runny yellow gel pulled from the bones of a fox.killboypowrheadium is an opaque, viscous puce liquid created from the eyeballs of an orc.Mixing musicman9389ium with killboypowrheadium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing a milky peach potion which gives the user protection from death.Yet another fun meme brought to you by
rfreebern The Potion Makermusicman9389ium is a milky, runny yellow gel pulled from the bones of a fox.kara_kedavrasium is an opaque, oily fuchsia liquid siphoned from the flower of a wolfsbane plant.Mixing musicman9389ium with kara_kedavrasium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing a milky sky blue potion which gives the user protection from angry glares.Yet another fun meme brought to you by
rfreebern The Potion Makermusicman9389ium is a milky, runny yellow gel pulled from the bones of a fox.zingyzeekium is an opaque, oily yellow liquid created from the muscles of a dragon.Mixing musicman9389ium with zingyzeekium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing a milky blue potion which gives the user protection from angry glares.Yet another fun meme brought to you by
rfreebern The Potion Makermusicman9389ium is a milky, runny yellow gel pulled from the bones of a fox.devilishpapayallium is an opaque, acidic magenta liquid culled from the leaves of a twisted pine tree.Mixing musicman9389ium with devilishpapayallium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing a milky turquoise potion which gives the user protection from prying eyes.Yet another fun meme brought to you by
rfreebern The Potion Makermusicman9389ium is a milky, runny yellow gel pulled from the bones of a fox.psychotic_johnium is an opaque, thin black liquid extracted from the flesh of a prickly-pear cactus.Mixing musicman9389ium with psychotic_johnium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing a milky opalescent potion which gives the user protection from death.Yet another fun meme brought to you by
rfreebern read that,Its funny and not too long.
anyways,yeah thats all..