Jul 20, 2009 09:38
It was christmas eve and Ianto was taken to the U.N.I.T ward the night before, Gwen had stayed with while he was IMing his sister.
IantoJones has signed on
Riatheshallow has signed on
Cutelittleprincess has signed on
Cutelittleprincess: HI UNCLE IANTO!
IantoJones: Hi princess getting your pressies tomorrow
IantoJones: Hi Ri
Cutelittleprincess has changed his/her user name to CheekyMischa
CheekyMischa: u won't be here tomorrow
Riatheshallow: Go and play now Misch
IantoJones: Go on do wat ur mum says
CheekyMischa: Ok c u soon luv u Uncle Ianto
IantoJones: <3 luv u too princess;)
CheekyMischa has signed off
Riatheshallow has changed his/her user name to Ri
Ri: Well how r u?
IantoJones: Yh fine
IantoJones: But wen i come back could u lot come round mine, got someone i'd like u to meet
Ri: Course.
Ri: DAVID STOP CUTTIN JONNY'S HAIR....sos Yan got 2 go
IantoJones: Bye c u soon
Ri: C ya
Ri has signed off
IantoJones has signed off
Steve and Sarah were left in the hub, they prayed the rift was quiet today, It must of worked because there was only one UFO sighting, and that was a fake.
"I hope Ianto's ok." Sarah paced back and fourth, it was late now 12:00pm they stayed at the hub just bto have someone on guard in case of some thing majour.
"The Torchwood Toddler." Sarah nearly wet herself laughing.
Ianto was awoken at 12:05 pm by an excruciating pain in his lower stomach.
"Gwen?" She jerkerd her head up."Get Martha." Gwen smiled. After 6 hours of labour Ianto Jones gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, she was swept away in pink blankets and handed to her Tad.
"It's a girl." Ianto began shed tears, he cooed and cradled the screaming child until she began to open her eyes.
"Thank you Martha thank you so much!"
"Your welcome I take cash only." He laughed, he looked over to the window and saw a Robin on the window sill.
"What's her name Ianto?" Ianto looked at the robin as it flew away.
"Robyn Harkness."
Back at the hub Sarah and Steve, had just got the news.
"To the Torchwood toddler." Steve got the shampagne out of the fridge and opened the top and filled the glasses.
"Robyn Harkness."
"Ianto....was.....Pregnant!" The two looked at each other and drew there guns.
"...Captain Jack Harkness I'm Torchwood and if you don't tell me where the FUCK IS IANTO! I'll have you retconned so far back you won't remember how to walk NOW TELL ME!"
"The U.N.I.T ward at the hospital but..." Jack ran out the door, Steve got out his phone.
"Gwen..Urr we have a problem."
Gwen was on the phone while Ianto was feeding Robyn.
"What is the matter Gwen?"
"I'll have to call you back...Jack is back."
"What? He can't be why today?"
"I don't know but he about Robyn he heard Sarah and Steve talking."
"Keep him away Gwen please!" Gwen nodded, she ran out to the reception and told the receptionist to keep Jack Harkness away.
"Right Ianto I've done it and i'm going to go back to the home quickly and tell him that i'll be late tonight."
"Can't you call him?"
"My batteries dead i'll be ten minutes tops." She ran out if the ward, meanwhile Jack Harkness was on his way to Ianto Jones.
"Excuse me which room is Ianto Jones in?"
"You can't see him i'm afraid."
"Torchwood clearence 895713 I you'll find I can."
"He's in the side room over there."
"Thank you." Jack marched over to the droom and opened the door to find a man sat away from his in his clothes cooing at a bundle in his arms.
"Ianto." That voice filled him with dread.
"Jack." Ianto stood up to see Jack staring at him.
"When I was a women, the stuff we did." Jack looked at him oddly.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"You didn't want that burden."
"I didn't know."Ianto sighed, he had his stuff in the bag."Can i?"
"I have rights Ianto."
"You lost them."Ianto put the child in the cot and walked up to Jack."You know when you left I thought I couldn't do this without you, that my life was over, then I had our child and she was perfect and I promised her from the second she was born that i'd let no one hurt her...That includes you." Ianto put the child in the carrier and walked out of the ward.
"Ianto sorry I'm late I got...side tracked."
"It's ok I'm home now Martha gave me the all clear before Jack turned up."
"Jack turned up *damn receptionists* Are you ok." Ianto looked at little Robyn.
"Never been better