Quiz. =D

Sep 05, 2005 15:33

Quiz stolen from lightningchan. xD

Click here.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) When did you last call crash_gregged? ...on the phone? o.o;
2) What is kenzuki's favorite movie? ...no idea? .-.
3) Is lightningchan friends with kenzuki? Yes. =D
4) If lightningchan were hanging off a cliff, what would tetsuya606 do? ... Save her. (I hope) o.o
5) Would you ever date digi_kun? Maybe? o.O; Unlikely though.
6) What languages does lil_ida speak? ...English? n_n;;;
7) If _melodyofprayer had a superpower, what would it be? ...
8) Is dawsonphoenix an emo? I don't think so...
9) How long have you known megami_ashe? Hmmm... pretty long.
10) What is _melodyofprayer's biggest flaw? ... .-.
11) What planet should kenzuki be from? Earth? xD;;;;;
12) Is tetsuya606 in a relationship? ... masybbe? o.o;
13) If kyliemuffin and crash_gregged were siamese twins, where would they be joined? ... o.o;
14) Has bunnyness been to your house/dorm? nope.
15) How would _melodyofprayer kill lil_ida? ...
16) Do you have lil_ida's screenname? ???
17) What is lightningchan's shoe size? ...???
18) Does darkmihaeru go to your school? No.
19) Would you wrestle digi_kun in jello? Yes? O.o;
20) What exotic animal would crash_gregged like as a pet? ...?
21) Does kenzuki have a dog? no idea...
22) Do you have a crush on digi_kun? ... what's with all these questions on digi? xD
23) What flavor of jello would _melodyofprayer be? Cherry? xD;;;
24) What video game does kyliemuffin remind you of? ... Pokemon! xD
25) Does sinfuldragon do drugs? None that I know of.
26) Did kenzuki break up with you? ... No... o.O;
27) What color should maya_chan_v dye their hair? Blue? xD
28) What word best describes lightningchan? ... God? o.o;
29) What animal does dawsonphoenix remind you of? A phoenix? xD;
30) How would cursedwolf conquer the world? ... with vampires? xD
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