i know where i stand, i don't need you to hold my hand

Dec 31, 2004 03:46

How exactly is the last day of the year different from all the other days that you’ve gone through before, or all the days that you will go through? Is it really just an excuse to get drunk, to have fun; does it really matter? I am a believer in symbols, in meanings within meanings, in layers and layers of unsaid things that float between us when ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

cho0cho0 March 24 2005, 13:43:01 UTC
hey there...just wanna say that i like your writing style!:)


musiqueautomat March 24 2005, 18:57:52 UTC
thank you! ^_^


cho0cho0 March 26 2005, 14:17:31 UTC
hehe.no problem.i added you,hope you don't mind.:)


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