Get Out the Idiot Vote.

Nov 04, 2008 13:24

A lot of my friends in the USA friends are posting things like, "If you don't plan to vote today, PLEASE vote. Every vote is important. Just vote."

I say the hell with that.

If you're not planning on voting today, and if you haven't already voted, keep your lazy ass at home.

If you do vote, you'll probably just ruin it for the rest of us.

I mean, seriously. Stay the fuck away from the voting booth. If the last eight years aren't enough to get you to vote, just what the fuck will? I mean, really. Are you waiting for nuns being gang-raped on a daily basis on every street corner or something? Panda fondling by public officials?

Back away from that ballot slowly. Pick up that bag of Chee-tos, slowly, slooooowly, and sit back down in front of that "Adult Swim" marathon or something.

If you're not planning to vote today, don't.

You'd probably just vote for some asshat.

I've got a daughter now. I don't want you fucking the world up for her.
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