Muskrat Jamboree 2013 Vid Show Line-Up! Thank you, again, to ALL our vidders for giving us permission to use your AWESOME vids!
Part I
Starships by
bironic (Multi)
Love is Cool by
purplefringe &
such_heights (Doctor Who)
Winchesters’ Thrift Shop by
deirdre_c (Supernatural)
Blow by
elipie (REVENGE!!!1!)
Everything's Wrong by
laurashapiro (Community)
Home by
bironic (Big Eden)
Sexy And I Know It by
flummery (Multi)
Man, Not a Monster by
bingeling (Attack the Block)
Adventure by
greensilver (Harry Potter)
Part II
Fly by
sisabet (Parks & Recreation)
Bingo by
barkley (Canadian 6 Degrees)
Martin Scorsese by
jetpack_monkey (Martin Scorsese)
Sabotage by
condnsdmlk (The Unusuals)
Around the Bend by
danegen (Multi)
Poker Face by
talitha78 (Start Trek XI)
Whatta Man by
sisabet (Pride & Prejudice BBC)
Cuckoo by
fiveyearmission (Iron Man)
Raise Your Glass by
Cosplay Fever (Cosplay)