As for the answer to number 1, I understand your concern as I am a lover if two cats right now as well. They are programmed to follow their desires, and choice to worship isn't in them. The angels are programmed to worship and obey, the choice of desires isn't in them. Heaven can be achieved firstly though the Mercy of Allah (swt) and then through our choice of worshipping over the worldly desires. Logically, I understand why there is to heaven/he'll for animals. Your pets can surely be a source of your salvation, God willing, if you take care of them and fulfill their rights. With me and my husband, when we make it to heaven (God willing!) we would like to request God to have the cats with us (as I am sure He is capable of doing anything) :) That is a solace for us and a motivation to fulfill their rights to the best of our abilities. The having to care for them is a mercy from Allah (swt) as He is giving us chances to do charity and gain rewards.
For Number 3, wasn't it the adopted mother of Moses (pbuh)? I have read that it was Asiya, the one who adopted Moses, wife of the Pharoah, who persisted and was eventually tortured and killed for her believing Moses. She is one of the 4 most respected women in Islam. As far as the name of the Pharoah, that would be a historian's job. I'll ask my husband when I can, he knows a lot about these things.
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