this dunya definetely isn't the world of permanence

Dec 21, 2004 03:09

aSalamu 'alaikoom wa Rahmat Allah to all

wow subhan Allah a lot to talk about and get off my head and chest but its sufficient to sometimes just write out some stuff and not have the whole world know whats goin on, u know what i mean?

But i gotta write bout my boy Ahmed Mousa. Here is a pic of me and him from like 2 years ago

Subhan Allah, i pray that Allah, 'azza wa jal, gives this bro a beautiful life with a beautiful end. May He give him the highest levels of paradise along with the martyrs and scholars and Prophets. Ameen.

I've known Ahmed since freshmen year. It was his first year in Stony as well, but he was a transfer from bklyn college. He was doin electrical engineering and I was doin Computer Engineering. I've seen him a coupla times around da MSA and also noticed that he was in ESE 123, which was intro. to elec engineering, a course i was taking as well. you see, i was a freakin mess freshmen year. Subhan Allah i'm glad those dark and dismal days are over. I struggled sooooooooo much that year and it's kind of a shame to see how arrogant and lazy I am now regarding my deen. But anyway I was a confused american afghani muslim comin into college and I had no idea what implications me being afghani had on me being american or if i was truly american since i was a muslim, but then again what kind of muslim was i? I was just following what my parnts were telling me to do, i mean alhamdulillah I had belief in Allah, 'azza wa jal, but the whole time i knew that my deen was realy lacking and that I wasn't being a true muslim, it always bothered me whenever I sinned and whatever and i knew one day i had to stop but it seemed that I needed a slap in the head or something ...... or maybe i just needed an example ....

Thats what the MSA was. I go to the MSA and I saw a bunch of chill people doing their thing and yet at the same time at soem sort of peace. And i FELT that they were doing the right thing (ie being a muslim) and i wanted to be like them. I finally wanted to be a real muslim. Ahmed Mousa was one of teh very few brothers who helped me out dearly. With his kindness, humility, all around chillness ....

So why am I getting into all of this? Well it's cuz Ahmed Mousa just graduated this December. =( We were studying for this crazy final this past friday in SBS, a place where we shared many a finals week. Prolly the funniest thing about studying this past friday was that I told Ahmed that I was gonna go make wudu for Fajr and he was like alright, but when i got out the bathroom, i saw a bro who just prayed his sunnah and so i was like oh crap i still gotta make my witr. So i prayed the witr, sunnah and then fard fajr ...... and the whole time ahmed is just studying, LOL so we ended up making the fajr jammat w/o him. He was sooooooooo pissed, hahahhahhah. (It's aight, there was another bro who didn't pray w/ us and so they made jammat together). So the whole time i'm just chillen and stuff knowing that he's leaving, but like it hasnt' hit me or anything. But like 4 or 5 times he comes and goes out of the place i was sitting and each time we give each other a huge and keep saying that we gonna miss each other and then it started hitting me a lil, a tear escapes. At the final moment. I'm going upstairs to the prayer room for 'asr and he's ahead of me like about 30 feet near the exit of teh building. He finally says "Haroon, salamu 'alaikoom bro" and he leaves the buildling ..... and THATS when it HITS me, like a tons of freakin bricks ..... subhan Allah. Man, you don't get this kind of caliber brotherhood just anywhere. Subhan Allah, friendships made for teh sake of Allah, 'azza wa jal, are so strong and so beautiful. Departing is so bitter and sad and even depressing, and you realize that this definetely is NOT the world of permanence ..... Perhaps this is yet another reason for you to become a better muslim, so that perhaps you can attain paradise and never feel sadness nor depression and that you wont' ever have to depart with anyone again.

And hold fast, all of you together, to the rope of Allah, and do not separate. And remember Allah's favour unto you: How ye were enemies and He made friendship between your hearts so that ye became as brothers by His grace; and (how) ye were upon the brink of an abyss of fire, and He did save you from it. Thus Allah maketh clear His revelations unto you, that haply ye may be guided [3:103]

And We shall remove from their hearts any lurking sense of injury: (they will be) brothers (joyfully) facing each other on thrones (of dignity). [15:47]

The Believers are but a single Brotherhood: So make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers; and fear Allah, that ye may receive Mercy. [49:10] SUBHAN ALLAH!!!
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