Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
alright so i started out this new community,
MartinLingsSira. Most of us are currently in the beginning of our winter break and have about 3 to 4 weeks before school starts up again and so the purpose of starting up this community is to encourage all of us to read this wonderful book during this break. Usually
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Comments 5
this other bro i know started it up (you might kno him) and i think it was pretty successful =)
I looked up who else had Sh. Hamza Yusuf listed in their interests and found your journal. I'm always on the lookout for sympatico brothers on LJ; the communities tend to attract the people who shout the loudest, subhanallah.
Have you heard the Shaykh's audio series reading Lings's book? It's a fabulous commentary, including details from other sira literature and correcting or clarifying the few places in the text that are out of alignment with tradtion.
howz everything w/ you? hmm i have heard of that CD/Tape set, insha Allah i'm gonna try to see if i can get a hold of my uncle's copy =)
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