Oh, and in other random news, not quite as ironic as
ixandra's example, it seems the reason my joints have been a little swollen in my fingers later is not RSI, nor is it arthritis (probably), but it is a rarely-reported-and-possibly-not-officially-existent side-effect of the EnDep I am taking to assist with the
vaginal vestibulitis. Which as of last night was still causing pain, but seems to have shifted from before/during the act to after, but become more excruciating after than ever before. So on the one hand I am not completely disappointed to be stopping the Endep for a week to see if the swellings go away, since it wasn't working conclusively yet, but on the other hand I see the specialist in a week, and all I really have to tell him is what was just behind the cut. and that possibly I'm allergic to his most-preferred treatment.