(no subject)

Apr 04, 2005 21:38

01. - Name: Madison
02. - Gender: Female.
03. - Location: Alabama.
04. - Height: 5'8
05. - Hair color: Brownish blonde
06. - Eye color: Brown.

07. - Is your hair long or short: Medium.
08. - Tattoos/Piercings you have: 8

09. - Are you still in school: Uh huh. Just waiting for summer.
10. - Favorite subject:  My aid period.
11. - Least favorite subject: physical science. 
12. - Do you buy lunch or bring it:  Buy it.

Favorite Stuff
13. - Number: 43
14. - Clothing brand: Buckle
15. - Tv show: Everwood
16. - Fruit: Pineapple.
17. - Movie: Crazy/Beautiful
18. - Scent: Cool Water by Davidoff
19. - Ice cream flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip
20. - Color: Pink&Black.
21. - Season: Fall or Spring.
22. - Holiday: Halloween.
23. - Thing in your room: My hammock.
24. - Books: blah.
25. - TV channel: MTV
26. - Shape: Star
27. - Time: 1:43
28. - State: ?
29. - Boy's name: Justice
30. - Girl's name: Taryn
31. - Disney character: Pooh Bear
32. - Scary movie: The Grudge

This or That
33. - Hot or cold: hot
34. - Winter or summer: summer
35. - Spring or fall: fall
36. - Shakira or Britney:  Britney 
37. - MTV or VH1:  MTV
38. - Rollerblading or skateboarding: Rollerblading
40. - Orange or red: RED
41. - Yellow or green: Green
42. - purple or pink: pink
43. - Cell phone or pager: cell
44. - Powerpuff Girls or Charlie's Angels: charlies angels
45. - Scooby doo or Dino: Dino

57. - Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: Yes.
58. - Do you have a crush: Of course.
59. - Do you love anyone right now: Yes, I love a lot of people.
60. - Have you ever been in love: Yes.
61. - Do you go by looks or personality: Both.
62. - Do you smoke: No.
63. - Do you smoke weed: Nope.
64. - Crack, heroin, anything else: No
65. - Beer good or beer bad: Beer is beer.
66. - Are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers: Yes.

The Last
67. - Thing you ate: French Onion Soup
68. - Thing you drank: Sweet Tea
69. - Place you went: The mall.
70. - Thing you got pierced/tattooed: third earring hole
71.  - Song you heard: Cold
72. - Person you instant messaged: Justin
73. - Person you laughed with: Justin

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