Title: Until I Rise From the Ashes
Characters/Pairings: Emma/Man in Black.
Summary: Darkness will always be darkness.
Spoilers/Warnings: Minor spoilers for S6, post-series, character death.
Disclaimer: I don’t own LOST.
A/N: Written for
lost_in_108 , prompt #75: sink. Not so sure about this one :/ ----
ilfirin_estel, someday you'll see that MiB/Isabella...
Water makes its way through her lungs, innocence drowning along with her existence. Every word from her mouth comes out with a river of young, fresh blood. She summons him in the middle of her prayers and curses.
"Don’t let me die. I need you. I trusted you. Samuel..."
There won’t be another day for Emma, just a dying twilight (dead promises, ethereal lips claiming her life).
"It always ends the same... you’re not useful anymore"
She was the sacrifice he demanded: a weak heart, blue eyes and blond hair now lost forever.
The spell has been cast, a smoke monster emerges again (darkness will always be darkness).