Today was good untill I got home. I sat down to actually study for the PSAT, the math part no less. I got frustrated, big freaking deal. I was tired and thoes questions can be confusing as fuck. So I ask my mom for help and she makes it even more confusing because she dones't know what shes doing but wants to cover it up so I get even more frustrated. Now I'm to the point were I want to jump off the moon. Then my mom starts yelling at me. Big suprise. So then I get even more frustrated, because you know, I'm the onllyy person in school that has trouble with math. So I gave up, told my mom I was going to the learning center tomorrow and was hopeing that would be the end of it. Went on the computer to listen to music because it's a little more entertaining then sitting in my room stairing at the wall. My mom yells at me again for "wasting my time on the computer when I could be studying". Well now it's 8, and she knows she wouldn't even have the thought of doing math now, expecially since I was to tired to do it 3 hours ago. So I reminded her that this is the first time I've been on the computer this week and she tries to cover up the fact shes wrong again with playing the "who even knows anymore" card and continues with the I could be wrong deal. As if she couldn't have noticed before I wanted to be left alone tonight she makes sure that tonight of all nights she wants to say more than two words to me.
On top for that she knows I'm under a lot of stress with my spanish class and all and trying not to fail.
I've had it with school and it's only been likr 7 weeks.
And p.s the only reason I was on the computer was to make a stencil, but thanks for thinking that everything I do on my free time is totally unproductive mom! You're the best!