(no subject)

May 27, 2005 19:36

Just got my ipod back from drowsyphoenix! Yay i can finally catch up on Alias!

Anyway, i just saw 'In Dreams'.
Firstly, i should've learnt by now NEVER TO WATCH ALIAS WHEN YOUR NOT FEELING WELL. I haven't been getting much sleep lately, so i've been kinda blah today, but yea, most of the shots were like wiggly, swivelling around shots - totally blurred the crap out of my eyes. Ack. =| (Honestly, it's not Jennifer's fault!)

All-in-all, i enjoyed 'In Dreams'. It was kind of obvious with the whole Jaqculine thing though, but it was great to finally see the real Sloane. I also found his logic and reasoning very interesting, and sorry to go all nerdy on you guys, but it reminded me of 'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley with the whole chemically altering the way they think and feel. I could elaborate more on the point i'm trying to make...if this was an actual essay needed to be handed into. ;)

SYDNEY: "This work, would it involve genetics and bioengineering?"
CLOANE: "Impart. Vulgarians would like to use the word mutation, but it has such bad connotations."
S: "Mutate. Into what?"
C: "Extensively, into a more evolved less aggressive being. A co-operative coma."
S: "Easier to control..."
C: "Oh come on Sydney. How many wars were there last century? How many people died in those wars through
genocide and political repression? We're disgusting. Humans. Do we learn from grace, beauty, or what we
call God?"
S: "What were you gonna do about it?"
C: "Suppose one could adminster a formula to the general population, that would quietly alter our brain chemistry. Exponentially expanding our capacity for qualities like empathy and harmonic co-existent."

I think Jen did well in directing the episode, but you know, i'm biased. :) *claps*

And then i couldn't resist myself, and watched .
- First of all, i thought the DSR would've had the place heavily guarded. It appeared to have been easily broken into. Fine, 5 men were dead.
- I spy with my lil eyes, but does Jack have a Sony Ericsson phone?
- So it's ELENA and not Yelena right? =| Cos i thought when they first mentioned her in 'Welcome to Liberty Village', Jack specifically said Yelena. Or did i hear wrong?
- *giggles* Sloane's OKAY in Mandarin sounds like Santa's "ho ho". *giggles*
- Word i never want to hear again: 'journey', 'end', 'endgame'.
- OMFG!!!! DIXON AND CHASE?!?!?! lmao. I guess Carl got what he wanted - some lovin' for Dixon! :D
- *giggles uncontrollably during the Kayta/Jack scene*

*blushes* And i, um...well
- *laughs uncontrollably during the 'rough' scene* *laughs @ Jack and Marshall*
- So how come they didnt put a bag over Irina's head when arriving to APO? =\
- Um was Irina hinting that Nadia is theirs?
- Yay Victor in tactical gear!
- Aww, i got all teary when they found Irina and during the proposal scene. *sniffles*


Yes, and i'm still thinking about the new JGF layout. drowsyphoenix said that i make funny faces when i was visualising my layout during lunch. LOL
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