Mar 10, 2011 06:12
Who: Sherlock and John.
When: Sherlock is being haughty and childish a few days after the second Ripper victim was found.
Click-click-click-click. Gladstone's nails were clicking on the wood flooring from following Sherlock around in his pacing. Kitchen to front door. Back again. Forth again. Back-- Sherlock had been pacing for three hours straight, mostly talking to himself in short hand (such a thing was evidently possible). John was spared no second glance save for when he tried to move the eggs from the counter.
They did not stink, but one false move would send rotten eggs to splatter on the floor. That would be an impossible stink to get out! The reason for their rotting, however, was still unknown to all save Sherlock.
He was still pacing when John got in and the detective frowned lightly at him and the new bruise on his face before he turned to head back in the other direction. Gladstone, at that point, was asleep on the sofa, too exhausted to even acknowledge John's return.