( ・∀・)ノィョ-ゥ
The following post is absolutely random and actually was supposed to be posted about a week ago...
Although I should rather spend some time working on my papers ("Name some important types of contracts that are enterd when aquiring media at libraries and archives" and "Disability and gender in Japanese reality and TV"), I sewed a dress I have been planning since September last year.
I actually found some lovely fabric when I was searching for some green fabric for my
frog queen costume. At that time I was re-watching Nodame Cantabile and the checked pattern somehow reminded me of the dresses Nodame usually wears, so I bought it to sew a dress as well.
BUT I was lazy busy, so I didn't do anything up until January, when I realized that I forgot to buy a zipper ゴ――(ll=д=ll)――ン...
Well, somehow I finally made it in the end and because I was asked by several people to post some pictures, here they are:
Detail shot:
I hereby solemnly swear that I will never ever use checked fabric again... So please ignore all the lopsided-ness going on there...
il||li_| ̄|●il||li
I didn't even have a proper pattern, I kind of mixed three differnt ones for sleeves, top and skirt which is why it was a hell of work to put all those pieces together nicely ε-(・´д`・;)フゥ…
To underline the utter randomness of this post, see two examples of our cat's strange sleeping behaviour:
How on earth can you sleep that way?? Σ(゚_゚;)