The Mutant X Bible
Age of Innocence Alexander, Megan Altered Ego Alvarez, Lucinda Ames, Carl Anomite Arad, Avi Arnot, Dr. Remy Arrigo, Dr. Vincent Art of Attraction Ashlocke, Gabriel Asia Assault, The At Destiny's End Audio filter Avaris Axel Azzarello, Michael Bailey, Stephan Bain, William Balkistan Embassy Bardow, Jergen Barovsky, Sonya Barry Bell, Karen Bellamy, Rick Bellows, Dr. Benedict, Caroline Benedict, Daniel Benedict, Nick Benedict, Steven Benedict, Tina Bennett, Samantha Bergman, J.K. Berkley, Aldous Bigelow, Michelle Bishop, John Bishop, Ruby Blackledge, Nolan Blake, Lena Blake, Randall Block, Nathaniel Blood Ties Blue Bolt Body and Soul Bogotá Bosch, Lawrence Bower University Boyle, Eddie Brak Brako Brasserie du Bohême, La Breed Apart, A Breed, The Breedlove, Dr. Eleanor Singer Breedlove, Dr. Paul Breedlove Foundation, The Bremma Brenimar Brenna Broder Biochem Brooks, Laura Brother's Keeper Burke Burke (#2) Burns, Colonel Henry Burstyn, Keith Burton, Elizabeth Buza, George BZ Campbell, Nurse Donna Carl Carter Carter, Brad Carter, Charles Carter, Dylan Carter, Nicole Ceci Luca Chadway Insurance Charvet, Deklin Chaykin, Howard Chase Chelton Veteran's Hospital Cherry Restaurant Chess set Chester Child, The Christian Christina Cirque des Merveilles City West Chemical Plant Cladosporium Clark Port Veteran's Hospital Cliche, Karen Cloning device Clown, The Cody Collaruso, Vic Colt, Grady Comlink rings Compact/Decoder Complexa Computers Conlan, Matty Conspiracy Theory Conway, Sebastian Cooke, Anthony Cooke, Charlotte Crandall Park Creator, The Crime of the New Century Cross, Neil Crossroads of the Soul Crowter's Prison Cruz, Eduardo Cuddahy, Neil Cummings, Johnny Dancing on the Razor Dangerous Decisions Dark Star Rising Dark Waters Psychiatric Facility Data Dive, The Davis, Harry Davis, Miranda Deacon Deadly Desire Delassandro, Zander Delay DeLauro, Emma Dennett, William Dennis, Miranda Deparis, Dr. Aziza Dinovi, Milo Divided Loyalties Dolan, Becky Dolan, Connor Dojo, The Dombey and Sons Dominion, The Dominion Contact Dominique Dooley Dorn, Sgt. Angel Double Helix, The Double Vision Dream Lover Drexel Power Plant Duchamps, Gia DXL Easton, Michael Eckhart, Marcus Eckhart, Mason Ectomorphic restraints EDD scanner Edgarstown Einstein Electromagnetic pulse generator Electronic bubble generator Elemental Ellison Psychiatric Hospital Elliot, Ashley Ephenol Ex Marks the Spot Explosive devices Faux websites Feral Fetko, Sandy Final Judgement Firestone, Jay Fixers, The Fletcher, Simon Fool for Love Fortier, Morgan Fort Perry Foster, Daniel Fox, Nicholas Fox, Shalimar Freeman, Capt. Martin Friemark, Hector Fries, Pamela Fuse Future Revealed, The Future Shock Gallant, Dr. Francis Gallery of Games Gamble, Nurse Helen Gaumont, Colonel Aaron Gaytano's Restaurant Genetic Security Agency, The (GSA) Genetic analyzer Genetic sequencer Genomex Gervais, Anthony Gilbert, Gerald Gillies, Andrew Gilmore, Nate Gitre, Kevin Glory Gig, The Gonsalves, Dr. John Graydon, Ed Greg, Kristen Griffin, Marc Grift, The Guardian, The Guffman, Harve Hackett, Jonathan Haight, Adam Haines, Dr. Richard Halloran, Vance Hand of God, The Hansen, Peter Hard Time Harris Harrison, Dr. Kenneth Harrow, Dr. Robert Hartman, Catherine Hartman, Danielle Hartwell Brokerage Hayes, Michael Hazmat suits Henshaw, James Hickman-Wrightson Securities Hill, Artie Hillside Properties Hillview State Penitentiary Hirschfield, David Holcomb Howard, Seth Howell, Dr. Samuel In Between Incident X Inferno Interface In the Presence of Mine Enemies Into the Moonless Night Irina I Scream the Body Electric Ivanov, Levak Jasper's Coffee Bar Jemma Jexa Josh Kane, Adam (a.k.a. Adam Xero)
Kantinski, Sache Kearney, Dr. Mark Kearns Keary, Alisha Kilmartin, Jesse Kilmartin, Noah Kilmartin, William Kilohertz "Kilohertz" Kim Kline, Major General Koby, Dr. Louise Kovakistan Kristoff Kyrgysztan Lakeshore Park Lanchester, Harvey Lang, Dr. Beatrice LaPorta, Tony Larkin, Billy Larkin, Lisa Larkin, Ray Laser device Laser, healing Last Testament, The Lavista, Carlos "The Tiger" Lazarus Syndrome Ledeker Leon Lest He Become Lewiston Lincoln Salvage Links, The Lit Fuse Lockhart, Zack Logan, Dennis "Denny" Loire Industries Longstreet, Lt. Beau Lucian Lynch, Eli MacArthur Electric MacEvoy, Kendra Macklin Exporters Maddox, Nick Magnus, Albion Mal Malone, Dr. Dennis Manfred, Claudia March, Forbes Marco Marcus, Dr. Marcus, Dr. Alfred Marcus, Josh Maria Marika Marlowe, Charles Marker, Lee Marsden Marshall, Andrea Martez Incident, The Martinez, Ruth Mathias, Caleb Matt Maxxlon Industries McAllister, Jock McAllister, Dr. Leo McCamus, Tom McClaren Air Force Base McMullen, Terry McTeague, Benjamin, Jr. McTeague, Dr. Benjamin, Sr. McTeague, Lucy McWilliams, Dr. Polly Meaning of Death, The Meisel, Vince Menotti Meow Club, The Memory scanner Mercy General Hospital Microwave accelerator Midnight Press, The Millenium Park Minhaus, Jay Mitchell, Jack Mohan, Peter Mohanization Molecular Moller, Diana Morelli, Vic Morgan, Riley Morrison, Captain Daniel Morrison, Megan Morrison, Senator Morse, Donna Morton, Peter Morton, Rachel Mother's Milk Mulligan's Tavern Mulwary, Brennan Mulwray, Brennan Museum of Antiquities Mutant Lex Mutant X Mutant X 1.0 Mutant X comic books Mutant X Lives My Friend's Bookstore Narrow's Wake Naxcon Corporation Neural implant Neural stimulator New Hope New mutant Nexxogen Nicholls, Janet Nichols Air Force Base Nick Noel No Exit Nolan No Man Left Behind Normal Life, A Nothing to Fear Novotny, Prime Minister Jerzy Oblivion OMDI Corporation Once Around One Step Closer Operation Apocalypse Operation Immortalis Origin Palance, Dr. Victor Parrish, Beverly (a.k.a. Christina)
Particle decelerator Past as Prologue Patient Zero Patricia Paxton, Patty Payton, Cyrus Peterson Building, The Phased Vibrational Generator (PVG) Phoenix Corporation, The Pierce, Lexa Pierce, Leo (also Troy Pierce, Mary Kate Pierce) Pod, stasis Poe, Ethan Pogrebin, Yuri Porter, Calvin Possibilities Power Play Pratt, Victoria Preston, Clay Presumed Guilty Prion weapon Project 318 Project Contact Project IET Project Nine Project Redstock Prophecy, The Protocanth, The Proxy Blue Psionic Pushka H5B7 QJ-14s Quintana, Toni Rafflesia pricei Randall, Clark "The Corporal" Rapport Raymond, Sam Reality Check Reawakening Red Bar, The Red Sky Bar, The Reed, Carla Reese, Tony Renfield, Nick Reynolds, Nathan Rice, Kelly Richards, Senator Daniel Ridgewood Park Rigas, Dr. Nigel Robins, Alice Robinson, Dr. Olivia Robson, Mike Rockwell, Candace Rogers, Nikki Rucker Russian Roulette Ryan, Tyler Rydell, Dr. Dominic Safehouses Sanctuary Sanders, Frank Santa (a.k.a. Dominion Contact)
Saunders, Dr. Denise Saunders, Dr. Richard Segal's Fine Art Auctions Sensory overloading device Serena Shadowfox Shadows of Darkness Shalash Shalex Shalnan Shea, John She's Come Undone Shock of the New Sign from Above Silva Silver Silverman, Ronald Sirtuan serum Skycourse, The Skye Skywalk Mall, The Smith, Lauren Lee Sparky Sperling, General William ST1277 Stacy Stanton, Dr. Sara Stasis pods Sterilization unit Sterling, Barry "Kilohertz" Stone, Wendy Strand, The St. Pastor's Hospital Strong, Kyle Subdermal governor Summit Ridge Air Force Base Synergy Taking of Crows, The Tanner, Eric Taylor, Diane Taylor, Owen Taylor, Private Sophia Templeton, Lorna Terra Terry, Amanda Thatcher, Cole There's a Genetic Conspiracy (TAGC) Thorne, Frank Thumbprint forger Tiger, The Tiffany Time Squared Tomcats Unit Tork, Dr. Trans El Trask, Kelly Tree Lodge Hotel Tretiakova Institute, The Tribunal, The Tricorp Botanicals Tunnel Quest 2 Turner, Allison Twin Creeks Underground, The New Mutant Understudy Under the Cloak of War Ungar, Rick Valentine, Corbin Valentine, Josh Valentine, Lisa Valerie Varadi, Neal Varady, Laura Dr. Visual cloak Voight, Henry Voltage Detector Vosberg, Skeet Wages of Sin Walderson Industries Wallington, Warden John Walker, Paul Walker Project, The Ward, Michael Warren, John Wasteland Web Fusi@n Webster, Victor Westland Casino Where Evil Dwells Whiter Shade of Pale Whitley, Kara Whose Woods These Are Willett, Dr. Denise Wiley, Jerridanne "Jerri" Wiley, Todd Within These Walls Wolf, Dr. Sara Woodbridge Gardens WXDV WXTY Wyckoff Chemical Plant X Xero, Adam Xiraxium X-Men similarities Zadora, Britney ZDT Return to The Mutant X Warehouse