Tom McCamus, Nigel Bennett (8/00 Jules Verne)

Aug 16, 2016 08:27

Excerpt from Lindy Cooksey 8/27/00: Tom McCamus, Nigel Bennett (John Warren in "Final Judgment") | The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne

The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne

111. The Black Glove of Melchizedek W: Trevor Preston D: Pierre de Lespinois CBC vs SFC
(CBC: 08/27/2000; SciFi: 03/09/2001) Zai Chao: Kim Chan; Jacomb Hyde: Nigel Bennett; Vargas: Tom McCamus; James O'Neilan: Peter Cockett; Wei San: Andrea Lui
Phileas' old friend, Jacomb Hyde, sends him an ancient black glove adorned with caballistic symbols, said to contain all knowledge. When Jacomb-Hyde is killed, Phileas does telepathic battle with Vargas, the glove's owner, who wanders the earth as a shadow. Meanwhile, a Chinese gangster, Zal Chao, kidnaps Rebecca Fogg and exchanges her for the glove. The glove's power appears to destroy Zal Chao, but in fact turns him into another Vargas, a disembodied shadow.

© Lindy Cooksey

Excerpt from Two Evil Monks: Tom McCamus and Nigel Bennett (John Warren in "Final Judgment")

The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne: The Black Glove of Melchizedek

Guest Stars: Kim Chan, Nigel Bennett, Tom McCamus
Screenplay by Trevor Preston
Edited by Jean-François Bergeron
Directed by Pierre de Lespinois

Location of Aurora: In the garage?

Prologue: A cloaked tattooed figure is walking furtively down a deserted street at night. A shadow moves down a wall and materializes into a long-haired man. When the man raises his hands skyward, he shows that his palms are similarly tattooed.
Jules has arrived at Phileas' house and is discussing how Jacomb Hyde performed the psychic connection. He shows him the watch and Phileas sees that the watch is now running backwards. They are interrupted by Passepartout bringing Phileas a hand-delivered letter that announces that Rebecca has been abducted and will be exchanged for the glove. Then the shadow man arrives at the door and pushes his way in to see Phileas. He demands the glove and says his name is Vargas. Vargas explains that this is the glove of Melchizedek, a high priest, magi and necromancer. When Phileas accuses him of murdering his old friend, Vargas turns his powers on Passepartout. He threatens to harm the valet, while he reads his mind about the hiding place for the glove. Passepartout reveals that the glove was put inside a special hollow book and Vargas tells Phileas to get the book. Phileas does so, but when he opens the book, he pulls out a gun and fires at the intruder. When he fires, Vargas turns into a shadow, then pulls Phileas into this shadowy world with him. Phileas keeps firing at the mirrored reflections he sees in this shadow world, finally hitting the man who had forgotten he was mortal. Once released from this shadowy world, Phileas and his friends make plans to take the glove to Zai Chao.

© Two Evil Monks

Excerpt from Black Hat Station 8/02: Tom McCamus, Nigel Bennett


Phileas Fogg Michael Praed
Rebecca Fogg Francesca Hunt
Passporteout Michel Courtemante
Jules Verne Chris Demetral
Jacomb-Hyde Nigel Bennett
Zai Chao Kim Chan
Vargas Tom McCamus

When Phileas' old friend sends him an ancient, black glove adorned with kabbalistic symbols, Phileas finds himself in the middle of an ancient battle for control of the glove. The glove's shadowy owner and a Chinese gangster stop at nothing to control the glove and the power it wields - even if acquiring it means Phileas must die.

© Black Hat Station

non-mutant x articles, tom mccamus

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