Excerpt from
Premium Hollywood 4/24/09: Victor Webster |
Lincoln Heights A Chat with “Harper’s Island” Victim #4
Posted by Will Harris (04/24/2009 @ 4:08 pm)
PH: You also did a stint on “Lincoln Heights.” I’m a big fan of ABC Family’s series, anyway, but I’d guess that it would’ve been an interesting experience working on that series…or, at least, more based in the real world.
VW: (Laughs) Yeah, it was…although, again, I was a good guy, and I kind of fell for a girl that I worked with, who was married to a cop. So I had this love for her that I couldn’t do anything about, and it kind of tore me up inside, so I forced myself to go away, to leave. And I sacrifice everything, my life there and everything that was going on, because it’s just too difficult to be around her, and I don’t want her to risk breaking up her family and her marriage. So I basically put myself in exile.
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